
As another bullied kid I just want to say you’re my hero :)


He sounds awesome

This happened when I was about eleven and went to a horrible school with a class full of snotty little bitches who hated me (yes I’m 32 and still bitter). This was in Europe in the nineties, and brands like NafNaf and Benneton were CRAZY popular. I have no idea if NafNaf was in America as well, but it was basically

Yes that story was cray! Also because her name was carrie bradshaw.

Oh my God. She wore this. To. A. Wedding.

that’s a good one!

Haha, I thought he said: “he can’t sleep in my bed!” Which would have been understandable.

I always do that on the balcony. or preferably over the railing of the balcony, into my neigbour’s garden. Because those assholes don’t deserve a garden if they use it as a junkyard!


Aren’t they just teenaged girls who do ungodly things to their lips to get them to be as blown out of proportion as Kylies?

I think there are going to come a lot more lingerie-clad ladies out of the woodwork. And I love it. Dude was sent to some christian reform-camp where he has to pray all day and work in the fields (I read it on gawker I think?).


Thank you :-)

That made me tear up.

Where does it say her baby was conceived naturally? I read it as she adopted her?

I had mine in March, and I’m about 7 weeks pregnant now. I’m a complete nervous and depressed wreck. I have to wait another three weeks for my first ultrasound because doctors here are sadists. I’m feeling your pain and am wishing good things for you!

I don’t think it’s a good idea to send her a story about a woman who ended up adopting because she kept having miscarriages... Not to take anything away from this story because it’s wonderful, and there’s nothing wrong with adoption, but I had two miscarriages myself and this would have been the last straw for me.

And remember, it’s important to respect others’ backgrounds without erring on the side of cultural appropriation — if your heritage is not African, it’s possible to learn from and appreciate these culturally significant makeup looks without donning them yourself.

Oh me too. I have 3 closets and they are filled with crazy.