
Oh yes. I’ve been in a relationship with a serial cheater who crushed my soul for three whole years. At one point I threw a pair of wooden wedges in his face and I seriously contemplated keying his mercedes (eventually one of his girlfriends did this for me). For about a year after breaking up with him I had dreams

Her mom was beautiful.

I worked in a small boutique for years, and we had lots of shoplifters. I was never good at spotting them, but I do remember my boss never trusting black girls. She would say that she hated it, but it was “always” them. After being mugged (by a white guy) we installed cameras, and the only thefts we caught were by

Oh wow, Julius is beautiful. All the other ones are dorks.

Casimir is such a cool name!

She’s fabulous! My parents have a cat that looks very much like her they named Jet. I heard that these types of cats (don’t know the english name, here we call them ‘turtles’) are always a little crazy and very independent. Love it!

My cat, who once got her head stuck for hours in an empty sausage-can that she fished from the garbage, has more self control than Caramel lady.

She just REALLY liked caramel.

Oh my God.

Ooooh I saw that! It was traumatic.

After reading this I got up, went to the corner store for a pack of luckies and came back to read the comments.

I always think typed out conversations are extremely boring to read. Also lazy.

I did, actually, I think it’s very well known. Loeb was killed in prison by someone who rejected his advances. I think he was a sexual predator, so I don’t know how mutual the relationship with Leopold was.

I love this look!
(Also VERY Pretty Woman. Weird)

I always knew Janice Dickinson was fabulous!

... “Godliness in movement”?

Whatever happened to her? (And Skeet Ulrich, by the way?)

Even though my mother is all kinds of lovely, I couldn’t immediately think of a story for this post. Perhaps because she’s a very calm and reasonable person. I’ve never seen her drunk or even raise her voice, and she cried in my company maybe two times in my entire life.

What everyone in my family shares is a love for

I feel the same, and I still love her even after seeing the doc. Her honesty in it is pretty great, even though she manages to come off completely crazy at the same time. I loved how she talked about Kurt, describing him as “more beautiful than Brad Pitt”.

I’m confused. Is Kylie the one who is a high end fashion model now? Or is that Kendall? I can’t tell them apart.