
I had to google Rosemary Kennedy (not an American here) and oh my God how terrible.

Oh my God, that is so sweet. When my 99-year old grandfather died a while ago, my parents went to his house to clean it out and they asked me if I wanted to have anything. I just told them to see if they could find the one barbie from the 60's my grandparents always had lying around, and the tiny dresses my

Was there another one?! Or do you mean Isaac? (I HATE that I still remember his name.)

I think they actually had to wear flea collars around their ankles. Shudder!

I'll wear my fur coat and bring my cats.

Now playing

He's definitely a grumpy old man, but he does have a sense of humor. Especially about his Oasis days:

I don't know why we're all supposed to hate Noel Gallagher now. He always seemed pretty smart and funny to me. I recently read something about his daughter who wanted to be a model, and he said he'd rather have her go to school.

I'm sorry, but I agree with everything he said in that interview.

Over 30? My God, woman. WHERE IS YOUR FLOWERED APRON. (I'm almost 32 and I dressed like a grandmother from the 1930s all through my twenties. I just bought my first crop top.)

My only (recently) married friend was obnoxious for a while, but I couldn't be mad at her. She would just be smiling at me and saying: "But I want everyone to be as happy as I am!"

That's because Belgium is such a small country that you get never shoot a gun anywhere without hitting at least 10 people.

please please please tell the story of the mini pig!!!!!!

Oh my god.

Yes I do want to hear that story!!!

My favorite birds have always been penguins and flamingos. They would NEVER do anything like this.

I developed epilepsy 6 years ago, when I was 25. It was very difficult to accept, because I was always the type of person who never even got the flu and suddenly I was in and out of the hospital. Finding the right combination of drugs that made me not have seizures, be suicidal or permanently stoned took about 4

As I am unmarried I can only share stories from my parents' student wedding in '79 Amsterdam, which took place in the red light district. They had a ceremony in a really cute 16th century church, that was also photographed by groups of tourists (the church was also a museum). Everything went fine, the hookers even

What was the reason? (Never read the books.)

I hate that Eddie is such an asshole now.

I'll just leave this here.