I believe Paul Marciano
I believe Paul Marciano
I get we are on Jezebel , but there is a distinct overgeneralization here.
Well.... it’s the lions.
Texas Petes ftw
I alsways wanted to ask someone what is like to have another man bang your wife while you watched, but I had never run into anybody who had done it.
You are in for a treat.
Obvious troll is obvious
Strangely, I have seen none of these
In all likelihood, these people have neither the expertise or experience to make an efficacious therapy to begin with.
Thanks for mentioning the Lions, we are always in need of a miracle.
This is the correct take
Again , doesn’t seem like that’s what modern christians do.
Weird how he would give us free will and then his zealots go around beating everyone over the head telling them how should live, passing laws and otherwise brow beating people into making choices that reflect their own values , not the values of the individual
Most things , fire . Iron and stone for sure
Well , 4 of my first five paragraphs are pretty well documented , one is opinion
I beleieve him to be a complete narcissist who will literally argue with a toddler
Or you could be just smart enough to keep your pie hole shut.
Does something finally happen in this show, because I am ten episodes in to season one , and I am mostly just hate watching it while I work out.
Well if they would stop having babies they can’t afford , got a job, and did something about the violence in their neighborhoods, maybe this wouldn’t be happening.