Holy crap YES!
Holy crap YES!
Wow guys, thanks for the heads up on this; I hit affiliate status over a month ago (around the same time I started seriously streaming) so I should probably try to invest and take advantage of these new perks soon.
Sounds like dude does not have any PR training.
“This is just all reality now. So streamers are ambassadors of culture bigger than just League of Legends or whichever game. They’re ambassadors of online life.”
That’s interesting because I liked to play Zenyatta more aggressively with him as an offensive-based hero while utilizing his healing abilities second precisely for the same reasons this pro player seems to be doing.
Looks like an Asian David Hayter!
Love that he’s featured, but think something about the graphics making his model have this weird sheen seem off putting.
That’s pretty embarrassing...
This makes me happy because these dudes can easily influence how acceptable certain things are in society with their impact (videogames being mainstream)!
Generational talents are a thing!
Interesting, I always got the impression she looked more like Zarya than anything
Kotaku staff, can you guys find out why Namco has been late adding DLC items from Christmas in Tekken 7 arcades to the consoles and PC platform?
Should’ve used compressed audio filters for the voice actress! Missed opportunity there.
Compared to the classic games, the port looks like a downgrade (using generic fonts rather than pixel-based fonts is a clear example of how it hurts the experience of simply reading dialog).
I will watch her career with great interest.
What else should you expect from a guy named Dr. Disrespect?
I wish Tekken had a similar beginner-friendly approach.
How have they still not improved their infrastructure on this thing?
Paragon got really good after that last major update where basically everyone fought at a much faster rate in-game.