
Hey uh, they hiring for handling this major responsibility?

I’m up for a remaster — give me a HQ version, but please please don’t pull an SNK where the “arranged” versions sound almost like an entirely different version of the song :P

Maybe a developer can chip in here?

The end of 2017 was the first time I tried to get back to PC gaming after being stuck on console for 4+ years.

If this was his wife in the video, then that whole announcement somehow feels like it was entire staged/planned…

What a surprising article.

Let her prove herself before dismissing her and saying “we think there’s gotta be a right person at the right time with the right fit”.

They trying to make this the DOA of 2D fighters or something?

Man some of the armchair 3D artists in this comment zone acting like this is the worst imitation of a cosplayer ever lol.

Lol, this is a perfect example of how bad behavior seems to be rewarded wayy too much in our society.

The tournament’s been amazing all around.

Probably because whoever modeled/textured these items was inexperienced with adapting to the female body? (Meaning, it must’ve been a guy)

I sigh at this because no young person should have to be bullied or feel scared to attend an environment where they may be harassed in any form or way.

Uhhhh this looks so pretty.

I mean it’d be even more annoying if he was showboating like this and losing.

Welp, they’ve been able to get away with this nonsense because folks enabled these decisions with their wallets.


I’ve never seen the manga or anything before, I assumed they were trying to make a potential topic surrounding the “uncanney valley” as something worth exploring in this movie.

Say what you will about the game, at least Capcom’s post-launch support of SFV is miles ahead better than whatever Namco is doing with Tekken 7

Doesn’t look great?