Creole Trash Panda

Child of an interracial couple here. I forgot about it probably 97% of the time — as a kid, the only time I thought it was noteworthy was when assholes we were around made it so (and I realize I am on the luckier end of the spectrum in that percentage break down). We always had very frank conversations about race

As an biracial person, 100% of my relationships are interracial.

Interracial gay relationshiper here. I forget I’m in an interracial relationship 99% of the time. Am I alone in this? Also, I have a few dozen button-down shirts from Old Navy, for casual workdays. Old Navy has become better than their strict sibling, Banana Republic.

To be fair, most white people are comfortable with jokes about race as long as they’re the ones making it, not the ones receiving it. At least from my experience. Props to Wilmore though. His show deserves more recognition than it gets.

Yes, education about HIV prevention, and regular screenings is still the best way to prevent the spread of HIV.

I agree that if their is limited supply and its currently only in place to protect high risk patients who were exposed due to no fault of their own (medical professionals, first responders, victims of rape

Its cool. You’re wrong. It happens to us all.

Come on now, for years now hacked has included exactly that, unauthorized access to an account. Not Angela Jolie cracking your password from Bern. The distinction is meaningless.

Could this be the first ever instance of an athlete’s social media page actually being hacked?

Someone fuckin hates this guy


They still need to hire some English majors to spellcheck their infographics.

the china study is shit science

Would agree with low-carb, but the all-you-can-eat bacon versions (adkins) is a fad (and dangerous).

This is essentially the argument between Boeing and Airbus on automation. In commercial aviation, the leading risk is loss of control in flight (usually caused by an under speed condition). Boeing’s thought is that the pilot should never rely on the automation to avoid stalls, and instead provides clear warnings as

This smells like a publicity stunt, needlessly knocking Tesla for something that never claimed to be as capable as what Volvo is bringing to the table.

Why? Frankly, I am suprused it doesn’t carry the same stigma that IV drug use does (it should, it is just as if not more dangerous).

I neeeeed to do this on my shower head.

I don’t really know what this means but I was having a conversation with a friend yesterday and we talked about this specific angle...that it seemed in the video replay that he was struggling a bit to get the whole question out. I think the angle he was going for is weird, and he does need to rethink that, but at the

“Big Pharma payroll drivel”... Yeah, and these supplements are put out by mom & pop companies that barely scratch out a living...

If I told you I waved a magic wand over my kid’s head and that alleviated his teething discomfort, would you believe me? Or would you say that maybe it got better on its own (since kids don’t teethe forever)? Or that I as the believing mom interpreted his actions in a more positive way? Or that maybe he picked up on