Creole Trash Panda

I agree with not price gouging but at the end of the day the scientists have house and car payments to make...where’s that money coming from?

The cat in the picture is clearly laughing at us, as cats often do. I HAZ MESED UP UR SIENZE. 

What other vaccines are necessary to prevent a rapidly spreading pandemic?

What are some other free vaccines?

Some poor guy got charged 3 grand to get tested for the virus. People will not get tested or the vaccine if they end up being charged. Charging anyone for anything related to COVID-19 will prevent any containment of the disease.

The folks at Android Police are highly skilled at digging into an APK’s code and figuring out what it all does and how it all works, for what it’s worth. I know competition blah blah, but read some of their APK Teardown series and see if you think you and they could work together and get some details.

Nice work guys! So can we assume the idea behind this app is it will ID people in the camera view on your phone and also be able to scan photos you’ve taken?

They would have 1.2 million concurrent players.



by asking you are letting them make the decision

You’re also able to leave your trash at your seat in a movie theater. Still makes you an ass to do it.

This is where few inches come in play. I’m 6.6 and it is uncomfortable as F#$c when someone reclines. There is usually few seconds before person in front of me reclines fully which gives me opportunity to lodge my knees in to front seat which prevents them from reclining.  And believe me, I WILL sit through pain until

I disagree, because by asking you are letting them make the decision. Because someone wants to be a dick, you get to be uncomfortable for hours.

bullshit. Big guys dont recline, its almost like a religion we have. We know the pain and the rudeness of it so we dont. Hell if your in front of me, you can try to recline, but your seat wont move as my knees are locked up against your seat, so good luck with that. People sometimes look back, they have never said a

Those of us in the developed world who think that we’re willing to undergo some deprivation for environmental causes are really cast into the shade by people such as these, who literally put their lives on the line whenever they take a stand.

It makes me think that the police, if they cared about non-lethal response would understand the limitations of their non-lethal weapons and carry other backups, like a rope on a stick or a plexi shield.

He had had run-ins with the law prior. Marijuana, DUI, shoplifting. He was currently on probation. The police, not knowing who he was or any of the above information, approached him, he fled. The only crime he’s committed at this point is drinking in public.