Creole Trash Panda

It’s not shaming. And as an NP you should know better than that. No I wouldn’t deny an addict Narcan, because addiction is a disease and mental illness, we both know that. Bad choices and reckless behavior is not a disease unless the DSM-V has been updated.

And I stated previously that yes, I would over emergency

As both an ED and ICU nurse I have more compassion that you’d imagine. But there comes a point when advice like this is counter-productive to HIV/AIDS education. Why advocate for the use of condoms and other methods to prevent the spread a still growing epidemic if we are gonna tell people to just ask for PEP which is

No I don’t give the same speech, but we do advise women to not have unprotected sex again (if not a victim of rape or sexual assault) or begin a contraceptive regimen. Ya know...that birth control thing that has been around for ages. Yes we tell you take some responsibility for the things you do and your

It’s 2016 and if by now you have no idea how bad HIV and AIDS are, and can be in the 1st World, I have no sympathies for you.

Yes people can be awful. So awful in fact, they fail to take basic responsibility for their own actions/bodies in an age where information about ANYTHING is within palms reach. Then have the

Thanks. That opening paragraph is one that scares the bejesus out of healthcare workers. You’d be surprised at the amount of people who think the PEP protocol stops them from getting HIV/AIDS and they ask for it ALL THE TIME.

“After unprotected sex, you know that emergency contraception is possible if you get it in a hurry. Something similar is available for HIV: post-exposure prophylaxis, begun within 72 hours, can reduce the chance of contracting the virus.”

As a nurse...this is a bad idea. While yes the PEP cocktail works it’s not affordable and most if not all insurances do not cover it. And the programs linked to are for those most at risk. This about the most reckless way to prevent contracting HIV. Abstain or Condoms...period. This method is playing Russian Roulette

I get that, but CMS (Medicaid/Medicare), SSA (Social Security) and a bunch of other gov’t services are based in Baltimore. Not to mention Hopkins and University of MAryland Medical System. Living in No. VA and working in MD it’s amazing the see the income disparity from the District to Baltimore. Especially past

I’m surprised at the gap between DC and Baltimore. It’s a mere 40 or so miles separation and people commute both ways. I would have thought the income requirements for both would have been a lot closer. you touched a nerve there. I hate that if I have multiple devices (i.e. Tablet, Laptop, Phone..) all logged in it arbitrarily decides which device gets the message first and then there is a days delay before I ever see the message on my phone where it counts the most. Annoying as f**k

That’s my only gripe about the pen, but it’s one I overlook because it writes so damn well.

That’s my only gripe about the pen, but it’s one I overlook because it writes so damn well.

Pilot Hi-Tec-C Maica. Best pen I have ever owned hands down. Smoother than silk on silicone.

Pilot Hi-Tec-C Maica. Best pen I have ever owned hands down. Smoother than silk on silicone.

AMEN. I have 6 of these. May I also recomend the Pilot Hi Tech- C Maica also at jetPens

AMEN. I have 6 of these. May I also recomend the Pilot Hi Tech- C Maica also at jetPens

I hate you....LOL I kid. I drive from Alexandria to LaPlata and/or Baltimore

395 is Satan’s Hwy.

As a nurse I concur. I would just add that acetamenophen is great for fever and headaches while IBU is great for musculockeletal pain and some somatic pain.

Point out these infidels!!! Evernote is our organizational lord and savior...LOL

Alan, I can get all notifications and all of the “premium” features with 1 or 2 IFFT recipes. Wunderlist is archaic in comparison to ToDoist.

Warranted shade though

Just when I had a IFFT Recipe set up to do the exact same things. It works great with TripIt as well, I can turn packing lists into calendar reminders and also sync with Evenote as a back up