Creole Trash Panda

My shin splits and knee tendonitis say completely otherwise. I notice a gigantic difference when I run near home and transition from asphalt to the trail and back again... It’s night and day.

I got Power Point and Word to shoehorn onto my Note 10.1 (2014) but Excel won’t play nice

As a native New Orleanian, this gives me some pause. Beignets contain yeast, which is very important for the airy fluffiness. A flat beignet is an abomination. So you would do better using a yeast roll instead. Either way.....eesh.

Nordstrom's also offers in-store pickup! Just used it last month.

Also many will also add flavorings to medications for kids (or adults). Comes in very helpful for cough and cold season. If you are a DIY flavorer you can purchase OraSweet or Cherr-a-Sweet from your pharmacy and add as much or little as you want, also works great for drinks and cocktails.

As a former pharmacy tech, yes they will. If you ask and they aren't slammed at the time, they surely will. It's done very often for the elderly who often have dexterity issues.

Not to be snarky, but doesn't TripIt (a Lifehacker fave) solve this with shareable itineraries? Seems a lot more streamlined than this.

Needs more cowbell

Nurse, PA or MD? speak like one of us...LOL

Ehhhh, get closer to the Wilson bridge and it opens up quite a bit....

You need to really stop shopping at Wal-Mart. Your wardrobe will last longer and your wallet will thank you. You spend more replacing cheap crap than just buying quality. And as stated previously, Wal-Mart is a diseased cesspool of a company.

LOL Doppelganger!

It completely changed my outlook on people in the workplace. Once I understood the dynamics of leadership, and reinforced them through practice...JACKPOT! I swear by it.

John C. Maxwell— The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

This book single handedly made me a better manager and leader!

Bologna! I am on my 2nd VAG car. First was an 200 A4 and now a 21012 CC. I love both. They are tanks. Proper maintenance and care and these cars are gems

From Android 4.4.2 (Note 3) using SwiftKey

This just put the nail in the coffin for mighty text for me.

I feel like I am caught in weird area paradox. I live in Northern VA, but in the immediate DC Metro area. I know there is no way my $100 goes as far as the state avg., but it's not as low as the DC avg. either.

Yeah in 1954, not in 2014

For me, it's the ability to use multiple devices across different OSes and ecosystems. No matter what device I have in hand, I can have the content I want, when I want. I own a Roku LT as well. But when it comes to value, in my opinion, the Chromecast can't be beat.