one time i ate a salad without cheese

It’s weird to me how some feminist actually denigrate things that women are into.

People are emotional, you idiot. Except for the sociopaths among us.

Well, that’s interesting since viewing is down.

If that were true, the ratings for Rio wouldn’t already be cratering. Also, it’s bullshit.

Oh, please. It’s not like men don’t buy in to this either. Football for example is very much about the journey. Ever watch the run up to the draft? Jesus, nothing but sob stories. Ever see the press coverage about a player who has come back from injury? The in depth details about shoulder surgery for a quarterback or

This is reminding me of that post about men making decisions on the marketing and distribution of the original at-home pregnancy tests. Just some moron with his head up his ass who is CONVINCED beyond a shadow of a doubt that he KNOWS what women, want, need, and will do and nothing any woman does or tells him will rob


“The corn will be good this year,”is the line that runs through my head whenever I see the new “It Girl” on a magazine cover.

Wait you mean I’ve become a lesbian for *nothing*?!

Don’t stop there!

I think there’s a feminist case to be made for the characterizations of Miranda and Samantha, but not for the show as a whole.

If anyone wants to hate on Sarah Jessica Parker, you can rest easy by knowing that she’s a giant snob in person.

Oh for fuck sakes, SJP. Just stop.

SJP has apparently no understanding of the word “feminist,” and SATC was often a vapid mess spotlighting the unself-aware privilege of upper-class white folks, but it’s also possible to see the show as “empowering,” if only because it placed a spotlight on female sexuality. It arguably helped to normalize the notion

She is better than this reference I am making, but it still (unfairly) reminds me of

“I would like all of that nonsense to end. I would like women to get paid for the value of their contributions, not by old-fashioned ideas about gender.”

I understand, SJP. I don’t like the color blue, I just think we should all wear cerulean and azure.

Ah yes, SJP, the dismissive “humanist”. Love her “idk guys, I don’t care what you have to do, just take this pesky inequality thingie and make it go away, ok? I’m so tired of it”.

LOL good now I can stop having arguments with people who insist Sex and the City is “empowering” because “feminism”.