one time i ate a salad without cheese

Like that’s less bad.

I just read the umpteenth review that said the movie was obviously trying to copy Guardians of the Galaxy with its soundtrack and I’m going to vent lest I grind my teeth into nubs.

I enjoyed it after setting my expectations low AND reminding myself while watching it, that “It’s not as bad as Battlefield Earth.”.

Bad movies making money encourages more bad movies. EG: Transformers 9, or whichever one they are on now.

I blame T-Mobile for giving me tickets to see it opening night.

it’s brief, but during a flashback they recreate this image exactly:

It’s really fucking bad.

I found him annoying. Seemed to be trying way, way too hard, and the movie really seemed to love dwelling on the abusive relationship he had with Harley.

Never gonna watch it. But I’m curious how Leto’s Joker stacks up. AnAnyone who saw it like to share? Spoil away too, if needed necessary.

all i want is Harley in her original costume. Just in it, and winning it, preferably with Ivy by her side. Give me gotham girlfriends please!

That wasn’t what I said. I said that Nightwing doesn’t kill people. Winter Soldier does.

Everything else aside, doesn’t it seem like a terrible idea to be married to your coach at an Olympic level? How can a relationship handle that kind of external strain?

Does this remind anyone else of the pictures of Bill Clinton that graced newspaper front pages under the headlines announcing the country’s first woman presidential nominee by a major party?

this is a really weird dynamic. is it abusive? i read somewhere that off the pool he’s all “loving and considerate” but this shit is bizarre.

I was already grossed out by the headline, but then I read everything and now I don’t want to eat lunch.

Men who throw/hit/kick things when they’re angry scare the shit out of me. All I can imagine is being alone in a room with someone like that, and how I would feel if they lost their temper.

Here’s the thing:

I’d have to agree with Matt the Radar Technician.