one time i ate a salad without cheese

Yeah, it’s soooo much better. I honestly wish they’d stop hiding this stuff on the secret menus here.

As a hairstylist that made me so sad. I’m like please dry your hair and do not do stressful things to it while it’s wet because that’s how you get ten million flyaways and also this person should get to touch no one’s hair but her own.

This is exactly why I refuse go to any hairdresser who won’t cut my curls dry.

The first woman’s definitely was and like, I know hair doesn’t have nerve endings but I swear my follicles shrieked with empathy. The whole segment was bizarre.

I tried it.

This dude isn’t all there. Changsha has Uber, and McDonalds, and KFC, and Pizza Hut. I spent 2 weeks in Changsha and while I speak practically no Chinese, I had no problem buying Cokes and snacks at Walmart and grabbing a Big Mac meal at McD’s.

Let’s just say if you are ever squeamish about any food you can find in the US, if you go to China you’re not going to have a good time.

I clicked on it to make sure it wasn’t me.

It’s healthier and better?

internet g.i.r.l = guy in real life

Man. Girls aren’t real. They’re just something made up to get people to buy cars.

CLEARLY homeboy never saw the Terminal

Real Chinese food is nothing like Chinese food in the West. NOTHING LIKE IT.


Keanu knows that feel, bro.

Did they ever find out if the girl was real? My money is on “No”.

i’d just be annoyed at being led on for 4 years.

This is not that outlandish or crazy. I don’t see the big deal. That ugly dress, on the other hand...