one time i ate a salad without cheese

True. Too bad for you, you’re not one of them.

Ah, so you DO have MRA, PUA, or incel/truecel sympathies, then. No surprise there. I bet you support Gamergate, too.

Like, just so people are clear, this is a copy & paste meme. You fill in the blanks for ‘Suicide Squad have a rotten rating on RT?’ with anything some goober is upset about, (like Bernie losing, Trump polling badly, Ghostbusters being good, w/e)

I think Mom is probably more deserving of the hug. I hope she made him clean up the mess.

The reviews of this movie seem to have hit a nerve with a very particular sort of person. It’s...refreshing to see so many of them in the comments here.

Okay let me put it on my list on Comixology thanks

well, her own comic (New 52) makes her relationship with the Joker much more ethically ambiguous and tragic.

For some reason I’d decided that I wanted to see this, but I was super nervous that it was going to be bad (the previews were of the type that you couldn’t really tell). I’ve been soothing myself with “Viola Davis wouldn’t do a bad movie would she??? It must be okay if she signed up...”

This is...a lot.

Tell your therapist that you just read a collection of film reviews and still found a way to make it about yourself.

Clearly, this is a man who doesn’t play by the rules. SCARY.

Have you seen his super awesome forehead tattoo? It’s totes edgy.


All this does is confirm my theory that IMDB’s average user base is 13.

Dammit WB, I was really hoping that the reviews for this movie would be better. As a Batman fan, I desperately wanted to like BvS and didn’t (and yes, I did try watching the Ultimate edition. It was only marginally better than the theatrical cut). I then pinned my hopes on Suicide Squad hoping a Snyder-free DC story

Let’s say someone wanted to watch the “DC Universe” movies, all of them, in an appropriate order. Is there someone out there who could list them for me?


Meh think I’ll stick to the DC TV shows instead.