one time i ate a salad without cheese

Ooh, let me just skip on over to the living-wage job tree and pick another. Because we all have a whole fucking job-tree orchard to harvest from.

I’m in a computational field, so in order to get published, you have to show results, but you also have to show that all of your model assumptions were valid to begin with. Usually that means citing previous papers that have used the same assumptions. I wonder if I’m conditioned to look for other authors to appeal to

Let me go through my own comment history and find approximately 1,500 citations. BRB.

Why don’t women cite themselves more often? One would expect both men and women to frequently do work that builds on or at least references stuff they’ve done previously. Jokes about jacking off are funny and all but if women are worried about looking bad by “immodestly” citing themselves, either their advisors or

I’m not convinced. Do you have a citation for that?

Well, no other man can mansplain quite like they do.

As Christina Hoff Somers would put it, “criminalizing healthy male sexuality!”

I’m really not seeing based on the quoted statement how there is a clear anti-male bias. I mean he could I suppose argue that they were harsher on him than past accused but that is hardly anti-male bias.

“I was punished after being found guilty of a crime. That means you hate men and are trying to make an example of me.”

Pro-female, anti-male bias. Actually, it’s about ethics in sexual assault!

I mean, it’s not like the vast majority of rapes are committed by men or anything, am I right? Must be bias.

Kitchen sink: [falls off, shatters]

It’s in the media village, so they clearly did their research and discovered zero is the number of condoms most reporters will need.

Imagine the next time they pull the scam they're dressed as Chinese hurdles?!

This is going to be a feel good story by the time that the Olympics are over.

I figured the Olympics in Rio would be a shitshow, but a vomitshow? That’s setting a whole new bar, guys.

Ah the old pinch and puke. This con takes me back to the 1940s

I kind of feel for the guy. These Olympics make me want to throw up, too.