At this point, he should tell his followers that he already built the wall. They would believe him and it would be a lot cheaper.
At this point, he should tell his followers that he already built the wall. They would believe him and it would be a lot cheaper.
“Why don’t poor people just buy more money”?
For his voice being just one decibel above a dog whistle, I’d rather listen to a dog.
I wish we could fast forward this Trump documentary to like part 6 where he’s just stealing memorabilia in Vegas.
If being intolerant of intolerance makes me a bigot, so be it. But then what do you call these NC dipshits complaining about how oppressed they are that they are not allowed to oppress others?
On Trump’s gibberish accusations,
And then, in order not to pay federal income tax, the Private prison companies registered/rebranded themselves as Real Estate Investment Trusts.
We aren’t seeing any response from this administration.
Lol @ crack of dawn
he doesn’t really remember the meeting
That dummy better be tiny
Trump is trying to create a situation in which Americans getting murdered has political benefits for him. Policies that he makes are provoking terrorism and he’ll use it as justification for the policies. It’s beyond me that for a lot of Americans, like this Purinton douche, this will work.
Ah yes, Tom.... standing there, hands folded, like a deer in headlights.... and then he lost a debate to an actual 7-year-old.
This guy Pruitt should just make a tree and use photosynthesis to turn sunlight into energy, then use that energy to fuck off.
Had he used fucking, it would have been fucking offensive, but by using mucking it mucking isn’t.
The states that are against abortion are always the ones that should be having more of them.
Maybe he just wants to be president of Florida, and we should let him have it.
SNL pushing Trump to the limit. Not only that it’s fascinating to see humor this brutal on national tv but to have all women playing his cabinet...priceless.
New slogan for Ivanka’s clothing line explains a lot: