Just like the abusers, he always spins himself as a victim and lawyers up. He is not under attack. America is and he is the fucking perpetrator.
Just like the abusers, he always spins himself as a victim and lawyers up. He is not under attack. America is and he is the fucking perpetrator.
I am having a hard time grappling with the whole “innocent until proven guilty” due process of law thing while simultaneously thinking “holy fuck this motherfucker is Scott Peterson levels of guilty.” The second thought gives me so much more glee.
Impeach the peach
On the same weekend as record-breaking arms deal, Saudis announced donations to Ivanka’s fund. Yeah, buddy.
That photo is an all-time “What if Obama”
It ain’t over till it’s over. — Kawhi
Funny how in “the land of free” citizens have to help fund organizations to fight Government in order for people to have freedoms, basic healthcare, and ridiculous minimum wage.
Golden carriages, golden showers, landing chopper on top of Masada...
The only difference between Sean and Kellyanne is that Spicer when stuck in a factually indefensible situation, is capable of looking demoralized.
Billie Holiday — Strange Fruit
The most successful people are those who are good at plan B.
I would like to offer that same amount for the pee tape.
Trump’s quoting Hannity, Napolitano...[sigh] ...how far are we from having this guy start quoting Cash Me Ousside girl?
Oh yeah? — If I’m so delusional, then how come that everyone loves me?
Kind of a guy who would fire you for donating him a kidney because it took you too long to recover and get back to work.
Now, back to PornHub.
It’s illegal to claim Putin as a dependent tho.
Of course. But what I’d really like to see is Trump reading hacked Breitbart, that’s seeded with truthful information. Now that’ll be dope.