Why is he telling us that he didn’t know? Does he think it’s some kind of cute, quirky story? Doesn’t he even realize that he should be deeply ashamed?
Why is he telling us that he didn’t know? Does he think it’s some kind of cute, quirky story? Doesn’t he even realize that he should be deeply ashamed?
People who want to have careers in politics should be smarter than this. So many politicians and political nominees have been burned in “nannygate” scandals in the last 20 years that anyone in politics should know this is a huge risk.
I am on Facebook because it’s like a year long Christmas card. I use it to casually stay in touch with distant cousins, old classmates, etc. who I would have kept up with through holiday cards in a pre-Facebook world.
Possible that the extra leg room seats were already sold out. I know I’ve booked flights where I would have gladly paid the extra legroom fee but those seats were already gone.
Mine stopped screaming all the time once she got mobile too. It was like all along she’d been a toddler trapped in an infant’s body.
It gets better. My daughter is 16 now. When she was a baby there were many nights where I just held her and read a book to myself while she screamed. At some point she started meds for acid reflux and that helped but she was still a very high-needs baby.
I assume this sort of thing is also a problem for anyone with a somewhat androgynous appearance. I’m not guessing they can tell the difference between an actual trans person and a cis woman with short hair who happens to be wearing sweats and no makeup that day.
Yeah, after reading these I’m thinking that perhaps I actually am a tight-ass. I enjoy anal intercourse on occasion but it takes actual effort to achieve. I’ve experienced accidental bumping outside but there’s no way I can imagine accidental anal penetration. (I have experienced the opposite where he was aiming for…
I like to imagine that God wears hats like the queen does.
But they don’t hide his bulk, they make it look worse. Good tailoring wouldn’t make him look skinny but it would keep him from looking fat and schlubby.
She’s 16. She just swanned through the room melodramatically declaring that she will never last through the next 45 min of waiting. :)
My daughter has been counting down the hours all day!
I am always amazed at how poorly his clothes fit. I’m not shaming him for his body shape, I’m just confused. We know he’s a man who cares a lot about his image. We know he’s a man who claims to have buckets of money. Why does he always look like he’s dressed himself from the clearance rack at Sears?
I felt like dress shopping was the only fun part of wedding planning. One of my friends and I often say we’d like to leave our rings at home and just spend a Saturday trying on wedding dresses. If it wasn’t for the fact that we would be taking up the time of some salesperson who probably works on commission we would…
Every time I see Kim in an awful dress or a dress that is just awful on her body I assume it’s something Kanye designed and she’s just wearing it to be supportive. I have no idea if this is actually true of this dress or true in general but it’s the only way I can make sense out of what she chooses to wear.
But Costco is still ok, right? That’s closer to my house than IKEA anyway.
It is annoying how Amazon will keep suggesting stuff from the same category you were recently shopping in. A month ago I looked at a bunch of flashlights and then ordered one. Now I no longer need to buy one because duh, I just bought one but Amazon continues to suggest that I might enjoy additional flashlights.
Well leotards have always been dance performance attire. I guess the average pop music performance includes dancing so I can’t object to the photo above. I’ve always figured Beyoncé dresses like that all the time though. She probably wears a leotard and spiked heels to the grocery store and then takes an Uber home.
“That and a 1000 other valid national security things because she didn’t vet anything before dumping it.”
I’ve always thought Russian would be an interesting language to learn.