If you think John Mulaney is good looking you need Lasik.
If you think John Mulaney is good looking you need Lasik.
girl just post a picture of you guys kissing to your insta like everyone else who feels insecure in their relationship
As someone who works in costuming for theatre, that’s so disappointing to hear. Our job is to make the people on stage look amazing, and there’s no size limit on that — that’s literally what we’re trained for, to make clothes that fit individual bodies *perfectly*. We’re definitely not there to editorialize or pass…
Women’s virginity = Samson’s hair. There’s a joke there, but first I have to stop my mind from boggling.
Certain statements by the Pope are considered to be infallible (and they are identified as such), not everything he says or does.
I remember back when Steffi Graf was in her late teens/early 20s, the German press used to regularly angst that she was going to get a boyfriend soon and lose her virginity and therefore her magical tennis powers. I never saw a single similar article about Boris Becker losing his talent along with his virginity, of…
Apparently, body weight *can* effect one’s singing voice, but the affect seems relatively minor, and moreso has to do with the endocrine system than any “structural” factors. It seems there were all sorts of ideas and notions held by elements of the opera community having to do with weight and vocal range/quality that…
So now that it’s clearly a political organization, I assume we can take away the Catholic Church’s tax exempt status?
Honestly some deep-seated part of me is wishing for some excommunication. (Most people get excommunicated for taking more liberal positions, but the only person I ever knew who was excommunicated was a priest who joined some kind of ultra-conservative sect.) You don’t grow up in this settling without craving some…
Those people took over the parish where I grew up. Creepy as hell. Gimme my corny hymns and people with a vaguely normal amount of children. My parents now drive fifteen minutes to attend a different parish.
Newt also cheated on those wives. But hey, bring Catholic never stopped anyone from being an asshole.
I imagine that fully 65% of the line for Communion every week are people who have no business receiving Communion, including quite a few of those bishops.
I’m assuming you’re typing this from beyond the grave as paul said if you do this you die.
You think the catholic church isn’t massively powerful and influential outside of america?
They’re full of it, and they threaten every Democratic President or presidential candidate who happens to be Catholic with this. If they do go through with it, Biden will just get communion from a sympathetic priest.
I’ve known from the start he would walk. He’s a 17 year old white boy, and therefore full of potential, and only heartless people would want to limit this upstanding young man’s potential. Brock Turner only got six months for raping a woman and leaving her to die by a dumpster, why would Lil Kyle be punished for (*chec…
Good freakin lord. Do Catholic bishops have that much time on their hands? Are they that petty? … Yes they are.
In an actual and rational world, this wouldn’t mean anything.
I’m actually worried for Britney. She is still bipolar. Mental Illness doesn’t go away. It just ebbs and flows. It is not uncommon that people go off their meds when they feel better. She will be particularly vulnerable should she decide to have another child. That’s not to say that I’m glad such a restrictive…