
This is even good on their new sunnie styles that are usually 4 for $27!

This is even good on their new sunnie styles that are usually 4 for $27!

I’m sure the archives are full of people saying things like “I want to grab <insert attractive star here>, smear him with frosting, and lick it all off.” That is different from saying “I run up to movie stars with jars of frosting” or “My position of authority allows me to coat movie stars with frosting.”

Let’s all just take a minute to express our sympathy for the team of CNN interns who are having to slog through 17 years worth of this audio.

I’m going to need a recipe for these earl grey cookies please.

Yeah, that seemed odd. I’m not a lawyer or a judge (but I have watched a fair amount of Law and Order)... Can someone who’s smarter about law than I am expalain why the judge wouldn’t have allowed this?

Maybe he is prone to migraines anyway? In my area of the US it’s also time for people with seasonal allergies to start having issues... no idea if the same is true in the U.K.

I started off reading this thinking “thank goodness my children are being taught to critically evaluate Internet sources in school” and then the part about her being a teacher penetrated my brain.

What was the reasoning here? Were there no helmets handy? Did you just figure you could duck your head? I’m curious as to the thought process (or lack thereof).

My daughter has her learner’s permit now. I think I am going to have to look into one of those car monitoring devices so maybe she won’t do the kind of stupid shit my friends and I did.

LOL, I figure if my kids go snooping in my closet they deserve to be traumatized by what they find. Didn’t want to know that Dad likes getting pegged? Shouldn’t have been digging around where you didn’t belong!

I almost did this with a toy earlier this week. Fortunately my husband found it first. (We had been using it together.)

This is the same protocol that I follow so I didn’t know how to answer. I went with “no” since I don’t ALWAYS wash my legs. I figured shaving didn’t count since it’s not a deliberate washing.

Excellent point!

It does feel like sometime in the past few years the world has crossed over from occasional bouts of crazy to being full-time nuts.

Me too. I assume that it’s like when someone farts and everyone just ignores it and pretends it didn’t happen.

Right? How come when I do it it just looks messy instead of like high-fashion?

This was exactly my thought. I would totally wear those pants because cat hair would only enhance them.

I like Demo Lovato (not named but is the subject of the Instagram link in the last bullet) for the same reason.

I will try this tomorrow!

I own that toy and can verify that it’s very popular with my feline roommates.