Exactly what I was thinking!
Exactly what I was thinking!
The arguments against plural marriage to prevent sexual assault sound uncomfortably like the arguments in favor of sodomy laws.
What does a serum do that my regular moisturizer doesn’t? I keep seeing them but I don’t know why I’m supposed to want one. I’m in my 40s but thanks to good DNA and a lifetime of sunscreen use I have fairly problem free skin. I'm also lazy so don't want to add products that aren't needed. Am I missing out?
What does a serum do that my regular moisturizer doesn’t? I keep seeing them but I don’t know why I’m supposed to…
Can anyone recommend an inexpensive Bluetooth headset with good noise isolation? I want to listen to my music not the gym’s music during my workout.
Can anyone recommend an inexpensive Bluetooth headset with good noise isolation? I want to listen to my music not…
Obviously the Clintons are trying to kill Newt for speaking the truth. I mean, we all know what they did to Vince Foster. They probably helped Obama plan Scalia’s murder too!
I totally agree with you that the lists have gotten much broader than they were intended to be. The original idea wasn’t necessarily bad but the implementation has gotten out of control.
I know that many people on the lists are not child molesters. I don’t have any idea on actual percentages. That still doesn’t stop the “not in my backyard” emotional reaction. That's part of the reason I question the whole concept of the registry lists. Making these people wear a scarlet letter for the rest of their…
You are correct, it's an emotional response not a rational one.
Intellectually I know this is true. It's purely an emotional response.
Thank you for articulating my thoughts. I am very conflicted about all of this because I’m certainly not pro child molester but these people have done their time as required under our justice system.
I could see it if the chef was basically giving you a cooking lesson.
Thanks! He ended up with a 504 plan that covered this and a few other issues. He’s going into middle school now and has grown out of the worst of the wiggles and mostly learned to channel the rest into classroom appropriate actions.
I get that fidgeting can be a problem. My son was an extreme fidgeter at that age. His folders all looked like they had been chewed by hamsters. He would unravel the hems of his shorts and even unravel his socks.
After my workout last night my teenager informed me that I looked like liquid death. She was right.
I wish I could star this twice because your point is excellent. If he had grabbed a stranger off the street and done the exact same things I can't imagine he would have been released with an ankle monitor.
It seems like if you're working with priceless artifacts you'd need to have some level of skill. I guess you wouldn't need museum restorer levels of skill but I assume you can't just hit a priceless painting with some Pledge and a paper towel.
Babies only work for preventing (or delaying) your second pregnancy. This is because you're too tired from taking care of the first baby to even think about sex.
The version where you just wait to be found was invented by parents who just wanted their kids to go away for a few minutes so the parents could hear themselves think.
I want to have a beer with your mom!
Right? That will come up every time she applies for a job for the rest of her life.