This. That and they have never met any teenagers.
This. That and they have never met any teenagers.
Many years ago my daughter had head lice. I had some question about the treatment so called the 800 number from the box. I asked the “lice line” lady if her head itched all the time sine her job was basically to talk about lice all day. She said not always but yes, definitely some days.
Hey now, don’t go lumping us “lots of cats people” in with the “ugly tattoo” people. We have a whole different flavor of psychosis centered mainly around the inability to say no to adorable strays. It’s more a lack of willpower thing than a bad taste thing. :)
How hard is it to create fake plates? I admit that I haven't put a lot of thought into it but it seems like it would be relatively easy to create a fake plate that would stand up to casual inspection.
I’m hoping that the girl looked old enough to pass for early twenties. In that case mom would probably assume she’s around her son’s age.
God, that sounds like something my 14 year old would say to a teacher. Then later she’d be all butt hurt because the teacher “just doesn’t like me!” Well child, maybe if you’d stop being nasty to her she would be more likely to be nicer to you. I love my daughter but she can be an asshole sometimes. I am hoping that…
I have to agree. Unless you think and talk like this all the time I don't think it would occur to you to ever say something like this.
Do you have a source for the idea that deployed women are required to be on birth control? I googled and all I can find is articles talking about how they have trouble getting their pills refilled while they’re deployed. (One example:… )
Well those types of baby cages aren’t a thing anymore but we still have:
Thank you for researching this, I was wondering.
Actually, the studies are slowly changing things. After years of talking about it, our school district has finally moved the high school start times an hour later starting with the 2015-2016 school year.
This was actually one of the big arguments against changing the school start times here. (Not just sports but after school activities in general.)
Me too! It's ridiculous but those bubbles were stressing me out.
Sure, they can ask for what they want but making their own purchases is a way to start learning to manage a bank account and debit card.
I saw your post and thought that no one could possibly need a condom caddy. Then I clicked.
You need to ask Victoria Hearst. She can tell you for sure if you're a degenerate fiend or just a regular fiend.
My cat is huge and fluffy. He could probably smother me in my sleep by just laying across my face.
How many calories does that burn?
It's probably because the office AC is up so high rather than because it's cold outside. I once worked in an office where I did this to keep my fingers from going numb in the AC.
I hadn’t considered confiscation. I’d been thinking jail would be a last resort if you failed to comply with whatever property liens or wage garnishment. You’re right though, perhaps they could confiscate some of your property with a value to match what you owe. I know that they can confiscate property used in a…