
I’m not advocating for debtors’ prison or anything like that, but what should happen if you don’t pay a fine? I don’t know what this particular fine was for but if I amass a stack of traffic tickets and don’t pay them I assume that eventually I’ll be arrested. Is that not how it works? Do they garnish wages instead?

No throwing up. I was tired but I had a three year old, was working full time, and was in school full time so I might have been able to dismiss the fatigue as just being from doing too much.

In my second pregnancy the placenta was in the front (so between baby and the front of my stomach). I could still feel some movement but the sensation was much less than with my first pregnancy. I might have been able to dismiss the feelings as gas if I hadn’t known I was pregnant.

You can't admit to having tried it and not tell us how it was! Was it as awful as it sounds?

Someone on another thread pointed out that if you click on the number instead of the star it seems to work. That's been mostly working for me on mobile today.

He seems like the type who would be taking his daughter for an abortion while still protesting that abortion is wrong for everyone else. Obviously his precious princess can't be expected to ruin her future with a baby at 16 but all of those other girls are just sluts who should have kept their legs closed and are now

I can't seem to star your post right now (thanks kinja!) but I just couldn't let this pass. Consider yourself starred.

Exactly. I don't want to have sex with a 70 year old now but when my husband and I are in our 70s I hope we still have an active sex life.

I own that spatula and will vouch for its awesomeness. It's super thin and flexible for getting under stuff but it's strong enough to bend without breaking.

Is that actually a thing people do or was that just for some kind of fancy cake decorating contest? I can't imagine getting all my friends together to stick candles in my head and then eat my face on my birthday.

Can I ask how old he is? Mine is 11 and I'm wondering how soon I can expect to have to have awkward boner conversations.

To be fair, their pancakes are really good.

I’m thinking I’d choose menstration because a) it’s somewhat predictable and b) it won’t get me labeled as a perv in the wrong situation.

I misread the headline as “bareass” instead of “badass”. Gave the story a whole different flavor.

But do I have to get straight divorced first? Or can I have one of each?

I have a cat you can borrow. I was just saying earlier today that he would make a great therapy cat because he loves meeting new people. He even likes being at the vet although he’s not crazy about the car ride to get there.

Holy shit, I’m headed to eBay right now! You have just revolutionized my summer work at home wardrobe!

Thank you!!! I wish I could star this more than once. I feel like I've read 100 stories about the shooter but almost nothing about the victims.

I've always felt this way about horseback riding too. Seems like sidesaddle would be much easier on the testicles.

As of right now this is also my favorite insult. Thank you.