
I probably could have trained my daughter before I did. She was showing signs of being ready and willing. I waited because I was due with another baby in a few months. Many children regress in potty training when a sibling is born and fuck if I was going to deal with going through it with her twice if I didn't have

The uncomfortable "don't touch me" shrug that the daughter does when mom puts her arm around her at the very end was priceless.

Hopefully your FB friends have that shit locked down to only the people they actually know in real life. I do post pictures of my children on Facebook because it is a good way to share them with interested family members. However, I make sure that privacy settings are such that random strangers cannot see them.

Not just you. I did make sure that my daughter knew better though so that she would not suffer the same indignity that I did. If we all work together maybe we can save the next generation!

At annual checkups our pediatricians started asking if the child wants the parent in the room for the actual physical exam at 12 I think and by 14 the parent is told to leave. I have no idea what would happen if the parents put up a fuss about it. I think it's great that they give the child this privacy and the

My 13 year old has encountered authority figures who have told her crap like this. She has then come home and either asked about it because it didn't sound right or told me about it because she knew it was not true and that a teacher shouldn't be teaching hurtful lies.

The bottom half of that looks like when a publication puts black bars over an area to make a photo suitable for publication.

The trouble is that much like the obnoxious Bible thumpers who give Christianity a bad name it is the obnoxious "why are you so dumb that you need an imaginary sky friend" atheists that people tend to think represent all atheists.

I think if you're going to splurge on one thing that photos (or photo/video) is the place to do it. Those are the things that will last beyond that day.

I didn't give it any thought at all. We did the things we wanted to do and we left out the traditions we didn't want to do. Our wedding was not a statement about society or history, it was just about me and my husband.

I won't say that two kids isn't more work than one when they are little but I will say that going from zero to one is MUCH harder than going from one to two.

This. I would have to remind myself that I could actually put my second child down and it would be ok. I'd gotten so used to just doing everything one handed because my first needed to be held ALL THE TIME when she was a baby.

As a 40-year-old I am guessing that part of the problem is these people are still trying to drink like they did when they were 22. The problem is that they only drink like that once in a while now so they can't handle it and end up smashed.

Why wait? Ive been using them for ages. I actually prefer their 4 blade version to the 6 blade one. I think the angle of the 4 blade one works a bit better for me but your mileage may vary.

You can buy beer and wine at the grocery store in VA but liquor only at the state run ABC stores and they ONLY carry liquor. If you want mixers or snacks you have to go to the grocery store. Liquor laws are so strange!

We almost always serve beer and/or wine at family get-togethers. There are kids from toddler age to high school there. Never seemed strange to me. How are you supposed to model responsible drinking if you treat it like something to keep hidden?

My parents often left me and my siblings in the car during quick errands too. The laws and the culture are different now.

Hadn't occurred to me but now I am.

I'm guessing lots and lots of therapy. I can't imagine the pain of a parent in this situation if it really was as out of the blue (vs. a response to abuse of some kind) as it sounds.

I saw several kids in Slenderman costumes last Halloween so yes, I think there are that many young fans. All of these kids were trick-or-treating or going to parties though. They weren't trying to hurt anyone.