
THANK YOU for going back to captioned photos! I love looking at all this excellent cosplay, but it’s a lot more fun when I know who the hell characters are supposed to be!

Really? The first female Doctor and they make her Sonic screwdriver look like a vibrator? That's some fucked up shit right there.

Surprised to see I’m the first one to post this:

Wrinkle was absolutely perfect.

No shade intended, but isn’t “to save the day” the job of pretty much every lead in a movie? Not sure why Matt Damon is singled out here- should be the producers/directors/writers only funding/hiring/writing wypipo as leads. I mean, Damon can suck it as far as I’m concerned, but thinking the criticism should be shared

what in the hell are you talking about?? Wash your crock pot!!

Ok, my memories of the first movie are fuzzy. Why is she having the baby alone? I thought Sophie got married in the first one.

Suicide bombers doesn’t really sound like the Rebellion’s type of thing.

You’re doing an awful lot of projecting onto Ariely’s pretty bland statement that both the asking and the agreeing are mistakes. For one, you seem to be suggesting, or at least hinting at the possibility, that the author’s sex partner had a premeditated plan to manipulate her. You don’t know that; he too could have

I read everything Tessa Thompson meant me to read in the scene where the other Valkyrie is falling back from her after she’s been run through. There’s intimacy in the anguish on her face that goes beyond mere sisterhood. I thought it was a brilliant bit of acting.

The fury with which Jar Jar (a character created to entertain kids...and he did...entertain kids) is treated by the masses of (at the time) 20-30 year old asshole fanboy men...is pretty much the height of Star Wars Fandom bad behaviour.


Lars Von Trier treating women horribly? This does not comport with his filmography at all.

Jonathan Frakes said “at least one” episode of the show would be set in the Mirror Universe. With each passing week, I am more and more convinced that all of the episodes are in the Mirror Universe - that we’re seeing the origin of the Mirror in its own Kelvin Timeline. It makes the show a little easier to enjoy if I

It is 2017. We have had big budget movie toy tie-ins since 1977. This is nothing new and people need to relax.

Bunch of red shirts are all lucky to have made it out alive.

Current UofR masters student who refused to go the PhD route because cult worship at the ivory tower of academia rubs me the wrong way and the deference to the R01 winners is toxic even in my little field. Did undergrad here too and while I’m long past the point where any of this surprises me, good job to Seligman for

Can we have ‘The Blind Assassin’ next?

Is that LMM doing the theme song? It sounds a lot like LMM, but maybe I’m just getting used to him being in everything.