Once More into the Gray

We have been completely smothered by the Republicans’ thoughts and prayers.

Giving arbitrary commands to black people and getting mad at them when they don’t comply is an American tradition going back over 300 years.

I don’t think Dany really cares about ruling Westeros at this point. In fact, I think she’s given up. She’s never been good at ruling or even at inspiring people beyond her inner circle for long. Plus, people prefer AeJon, and his superior claim is common knowledge.

Yeah, it’s probably a wrap for Dany unless she returns to Slaver’s Bay, which I can’t really see happening. Perhaps she sees herself ruling through fear and basically rebuilding everything from the ground up. However, she’d be terrible at it.

The Dothraki have always been rapists and pillagers, and it’s really not unheard of for soldiers in general to rape. Wartime sexual violence is, unfortunately, pretty common.  See Darfur, the Bosnian War, the rape of Yazidi women by ISIS, the genocide of Rohingya people in Myanmar, the Rape of Nanjing, comfort women,

The problem with that list of Dany’s atrocities is that she always targeted people in positions of power in an attempt to protect the downtrodden.

I think he’s trying to say that regardless of audience reactions, the show is still engaging enough to get a lot of people to talk about it (unlike, say, Black-ish, which is popular). As a result, it’s still successful as art/media, even if people don’t lurve it right now.  

I’m surprised that this many people saw Daenerys as a saintly heroine before this episode, because I’ve always seen her as a villain-in-training. I think people were just focusing on all the “good” things about her—the lip service to justice, her good intentions, her random acts of benevolence—to the exclusion of the

It seems to be both, possibly because GRRM doesn’t really understand the difference. A lot of characters seem to use it like Plan B, but Hoster Tully used it to terminate Lysa’s pregnancy, which no contraceptive can do. Tansy is an ingredient in moon tea.

No. Saying this shit makes men feel powerful because they know it makes women feel vulnerable.

worthy of respect

The Brits gave us this shitbird. I’d say they’ve done enough.

Can you really blame her for needing a drink before this?

Nah, he’ll be forgiven when he says that he raised his son not to see color.

Yeah. In addition to the failure to conceive with Jaime, I always wondered how she only had one kid with Robert Baratheon when she was presumably sleeping with him during the years when she conceived all her kids, as he didn’t question their paternity.

Cersei is not pregnant, but whether she knows this and has been lying to everyone or whether this is a Bloody Mary-style false pregnancy born of her desire to have another child and create a dynasty is open to interpretation. Given that there’s only three hours of this show left, I’m not sure we’ll find out either

Archie was 3 days old the first time someone called him a monkey. 3 days old.

The Brienne-Jaime hookup was pure fan service, and I hated it. I assume the show is going to act like it didn’t happen (like with the time he raped Cersei next to Joffrey’s corpse), so I’m going to pretend it didn’t happen too. 

Yeah. Clearly, the Cersei that blew up a national monument, her courtiers, and a couple family members to defeat her enemies is no longer on this show.

Agreed on Mereen and the North. I theorize that fAegon will be one of the final big bads, basically fulfilling the role Cersei and Euron are playing on the show. Perhaps we’ll see a fAegon/Cersei alliance.