Once More into the Gray

Yeah, there’s presumably a power vacuum all over Westeros now because most of the regions have lost their Lords Paramount. But it seems to have no impact on the main story, and no one even brings it up.  

This made sense, so I starred it. But considering that the trench and other traps outside Winterfell disappeared in a day so that the characters could put on a giant Viking funeral in the front yard, I’m guessing that it’s just an error by the showrunners.  

I remember Jorah telling her to hide in the crypts in E2 because her death would mean “the end of our house” or something. 


Rise, Ser none shy.

It is so, so sad watching Winston and Robot Jock displaying their fragility all over the comments section.

Everyone has to know your opinions

No need to pout. All you have to do is watch the episode or even just the scene everyone else is talking about with your working eyeballs before trying to talk shit.

To serve as the butt of Tyrion’s sick eunuch jokes and tell Hard Truths about Dany, obvs. 

Use your eyeballs a little harder next time. Thanks for playing.

insignificant details

It’s funny because R. Kelly is notorious for sexually abusing young girls!

EDIT: Just saw this comment was like, over a year old. This site put this article at the top of the banner, so I assumed it was recent. 

The Ninja Fleet and Mystic Ballistas are now part of my head canon for this show. Slipping in and out of the shadow dimension is why the Big Boat has two giant, seemingly pointless sails on the sides—they were woven by shadowbinders from Asshai and enable the Ninja Fleet to travel between the real world and the shadow

I thought Qyburn turned all of Varys’s little birds to his side? It seems Varys’s only job now is to look shifty, hold his sleeves together, and hate on Dany. 

To give Dany a reason to hate the pirate, mostly. 

Can someone please explain why CZ and Polyester are a thing?

You know what they say—scam today before today scams you.