Once More into the Gray

After I am elected to the presidency, I plan to impose a complete and total shutdown on comments on this article from people with no understanding of DV/child abuse, the court system, or the law.

Is Naval Curry the same as wafuu curry?

Sadly, I wouldn’t be surprised if the mother, having reported the abuse, is now trying to protect the father by claiming the whole thing was an accident or that she lied. Nor would it be unheard of for the father to threaten the mother to change her story and make the case go away.

He’s not, actually. HuskyBro is one of the worst and most prolific commenters on The Root.

Justin sounds like a true delight.

Yeah, Ariel does give up her entire family and mer-life at the end of that movie to marry Prince Eric, but her dad did break literally everything in her room in a fit of Fantastic Racism, so I’m okay with it.

I also find it interesting that nobody seems to care that with the release of the video a lot of people who are as far as anyone can tell not involved in any crime, will have nude video of them out there because they went and simply got a massage.


To any trolls triggered by this comment: if you want to debate, please come with points and authorities.  “THEY KILLED PEOPLE WHOOPI” is not an argument. 

Nothing’s wrong with The Office. But saying you like it in your dating profile says exactly nothing about you because it’s a very popular show.  

It feels true, so it must be true. 

Roughly 2.3 million people are incarcerated in the United States right now. Those 2.3 million people may not matter to you for whatever reason, but they’re still human beings. They live under the government’s custody and control, but they have no say in determining who gets to be in the government that controls every

Yep. I felt a sense of dread watching that conversation, especially when she stressed that Naathi people are peace-loving and don’t know how to defend themselves. They’re my fave couple on the show and I would love to see them get their happy ending, but you know what they say about those....


Forgot to add that Beric Dondarrion is also definitely dead, permanently.

No—I think there’s more to be seen from Bran. I believe his prophetic and time travel-esque powers will come up again, if only because it would feel wasteful to show that he has those powers if he never gets to use them.

I’m not sure if it matters how fresh the corpses are? But we’ll find out next Sunday. 

Counterpoint: That sex scene was awkward as hell and was shoehorned in for fan service because Gendry is dying next episode (finally).

Pretty sure the crypt contains hundreds if not thousands of people—it’s the burial place for all Starks stretching back thousands of years. It has multiple levels and goes deep into the ground. That joint is going to be insane.

My bet is Sam dies next episode trying to save Gilly and/or Little Sam. I originally thought he would be the one to make it to the end to write A Song of Ice and Fire, but this episode suggests it will be Tyrion.