Did American consumers abandon sedans/smaller cars, or did American manufacturers do that?
Did American consumers abandon sedans/smaller cars, or did American manufacturers do that?
It doesn’t hurt that “small” cars aren’t that small anymore.
From other Jalopnik articles: 30-50% loss on average in the cold
... because the DOT has jurisdiction over streets and sidewalks
If they want the city to leave it alone, replace it with a cop car.
In all honesty, this comes back to the fundamental question: what is the point of a digital licence plate if it’s not for this sort of nonsense? It’s more expensive than stamped aluminium, requires power, can fail, and can be tampered with in an occluded manner. Who, other than people looking to commit moving…
We really should be talking about why we would need larger vehicles like cars and pick-ups in crowded city centers in the first place. Cities globally are moving to eliminate cars in the most crowded areas and it makes sense considering they are incompatible with every other piece of city center existence.
If I were a betting man, I’d say the Model Q will probably just be a de-contented Model 3 with cheaper interior materials, less powerful motors and a smaller battery.
At what point do you put warrants out for a driver’s arrest, or at least impound the offending car? $1000 in tickets? $10,000?
That’s a pretty diverse and bizarre wish list, so compormises are going to have to be made somewhere. With this suggestion I give short shrift to the rear seat accommodations, but overall I think it checks most of the boxes: Euro vintage style, convertible, modern amenities. And the kiddos will love it.
I bet I can guess what time period you were born.
I disagree. That Miata with 100% of engine torque available at zero RPM would be a riot. Without engine vibration the tire feedback becomes much much better. This is a thing with electric motorcycles and it’s what makes them so quick around a track. Plus I bet the weight bias moves towards the rear of the car.
Good idea, but we should actually make Daylight Standard Time the actual Standard time.
I don’t know... The modern interpretation of the E type is the F type?
smaller wheel, more sidewall.
I dearly miss the Ford Aerostar that I learned to drive on, but at the same time, as I consider kids of my own, a genuine question:
They also blind normal drivers too!
This is and always was 2 things, a way for the automakers to cheap out yet again, I assume AA and Carplay have some kind of licensing fees