
Again with the Glossy Primer Gray paint....

It looks so much better - and then I realized it’s because it looks like a Golf GTI from 2018. Why didn’t the Jetta look like this in 2019 at launch instead of the fugly Jetta we got instead?

U-Turn Guy: yeah, probably a bit of an overreaction by the officer to issue a ticket

Seems wild that he’s earned the nickname “SAG Harbor Nazi” but the worst examples we’ve seen are a ticket for a u-turn and driving with a cell phone. 

Don’t pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way? Even if they were jaywalking, you aren’t supposed to just run them over.

Suspect that in most cities and towns if the police consistently enforced the letter of the law for traffic offenses most folks would be astounded and pissed.

Something tells me Spencer has also used the words ‘should have complied with police’ when reacting to yet another unarmed person being shot.

I mean, Lightning.

refusal of a blood/breath test”

Gotta give them credit for thinking outside the box.

Who are these people who get so excited by new shades of grey? Are they the same people who gave us 2000 shades of white?

I’ve been looking for a ‘19-’20 Honda Fit. Of course, you can’t even buy a new one in the US, and I think that’s a mistake on the part of Honda. I must not be the only one looking, because 4-5 year old Fits with 50k are selling for at or above original MSRP.

Yeah it does....Beyond the front everything else looks nearly identical. And this shouldn’t be a surprise seeing as Toyota now has three other models that look almost exactly the same: The Rav4, the BZ4X and the Corolla “ Cross” or whatever in the hell its supposed to be. I love my old Toyota truck. But these days

I agree with you, but I think Hyundai and Kia are the only ones attempting to NOT make just blobs. But then people give them shit for that too 🤷‍♂️😂

I feel like we are living in some sort of hell these days. This, along with what seems like 75% of all of the new vehicles coming out look like the same amorphous blobs. This could pass for a Rav4. Or one of the models from Hyundai. Or with the slats for headlights, one of the new models from Buick.

I recognize it’s part of a larger problem, but as someone who has nearly been hit by these folks on multiple occasions a little victim blaming (aka responsibility) is key. Every single day when I’m walking my dog, I watch them run red lights, and go the wrong way on one way streets. It’s like the old days of the bike

If you don’t need to put your key in the door or the steering column, why would you take it out of your pocket (or purse etc.) anyway?

6 of the top 10 best-selling SUVs in 2023, - totaling 1,876,083 sales, or 12% of all cars sold in the US, are not only shorter than the Equinox EV, but most of these brands also offer an even smaller SUV:


Tell me the planned sticker price and I’ll tell you why they’re worried it won’t sell well.