
So my predictions: we’ll see it in 2029. The $25k price will be claimed to be 2018 dollars, so the “real” price will be $39,995. At that price it will be a RWD model, short range, black only, not available until 2031 and will be discontinued after one year. After that it’ll be a $50k starting price.

I still argue they peaked at MK7.5. Best small car platform ever made, imo. The entire MK8 generation is just gimmicked and weird. It’s “better”, for sure, but...........I just think they went a bit overboard with everything visual, both inside and out.

there is literally no other valid reason to buy a different color

All of this. Maybe if we actually COULD spec our cars, we’d see more variety. Instead it’s take what you can get.

*Dealers shouldn’t be allowed to spec their cars

This is another reason I’m holding off on EVs. I need to be able to pull up to any charger and whip my debit card out and charge my car just like practically any gas station in existence or it’s a no go for me.

Not blond at all. Chestnut brown, I’d say.

She gets -1 for totally whiffing:

So is it just me or is that the Needler from Halo?

Electrons flow better when it’s cold, but lithium-ion batteries can’t take a charge when they’re cold. They have to brought up to temperature first. For years, I’ve been saying that BEVs need to be designed differently to handle cold temperatures. They need more thermal insulation. When you have an IC engine pumping

but for those who don’t have an at-home charging solution, allow yourself ample time and charge to get to a public charger.

The irony of Jalopnik pointing out Porsche’s spelling error is delicious.

Almost anything is better than a console shifter for an automatic.  Lincoln’s buttons seemed fine.  Ram’s knob is also fine.  Column shifter, also fine.  Just stop taking up my console space with a super shitty hollow feeling and plasticky shifter.

More buyers started to want more space to put their crap, leading to larger and roomier center consoles.

It looks like something created for dystopian video game with no licensing rights to an actual Charger.

Honestly, it’s pretty bland. I’m sure it will be pretty cool and all, but these pics are just kind of boring

It’s not a guess, it is a fact. It hides the actual shape of the roofline, greenhouse and side windows. This is extremely common prototype camouflage stuff. The Macans in these images only have a few pieces of other camo, like on the taillights. But if you look at earlier spy shots of the Macan EV you’ll see not only

Of the 30.75 million unites sold worldwide, over half (18~18.5 million) were sold in the US.

Fahrenheit continues to be perfect for weather specifically, which is why we cling to it:

0F - “It’s really cold outside”
100F - “It’s really hot outside”

For all other temperature work, I agree. We ought to switch to Kelvin so that everyone is just slightly irritated all the time.

Unfortunately the teaser photos show that the refreshed GTI still seems to rely on those touch-sensitive temperature and fan speed adjustments