
Fucking casuals amirite?

yeah but what he's really saying is if your sister found out your friend asked your permission first she may get passed off because it's not really your business.

Or, here's an idea, you could realize your sister is her own fucking person and let her, as an adult, decide who she wants to date and when, including your friends, without asking your permission like it's 1890 and you're her dad.

I LOVE that Miyazaki focuses on making majestic, and complex creatures, as opposed to shocking and controversial looking creatures. It was one of my favorite parts of Demon's and Darks Souls.

Seath is a great example of this. They could have made Seathe some decayed, bloody, goopy, nasty looking beast, but no... they

It's not so much the lack of female characters than the justification, which pretty much reads as "we can't be bothered to do it." Actually, scratch that. Admitting they couldn't be bothered would probably be a step up.

People weren't disappointed in watchdogs because they took too long with it. They were disappointed because the finished product differed significantly from the marketing Ubi laid out for it. The intelligent story about the dangers of an interconnected society living in a virtual police state was never going to be

Now playing

Rom City Rampage actually can run on real NES hardware (it's a Retro City Rampage demake from the same author):

You do realize that not having gorgeous multi-million polygon models means that the developer can put their efforts into something much more important... like gameplay. Every single time a neat idea comes out of an indie studio, but it happens to have pixel graphics, someone who doesn't understand how games are

There is always, ALWAYS someone with this exact comment every time pixel graphics come up anywhere. Look, we understand that you guys don't like them. We do not care. If you do not like pixel graphics just don't buy the game man, it isn't for you. This is a legit style that people like to play, what is wrong with

Isn't this what Gfycat is for?

I believe dick is graded on the same scale the USDA uses: Prime, Choice, Select, Standard, Commercial, Utility.

Thank you so much for the great feature and all the kind words! I'm so surprised and excited to see that people like my cosplay. As someone who sees my own face in the mirror every day, I have a lot more trouble seeing the resemblance than others do, but it's fun to hear that people are enjoying my pictures! :)

I dunno, even going into Dark Souls 2 and being pretty good at Dark Souls (not master level, but pretty good), it's certainly not an easy game. I do think it's unfortunate that Dark Souls has earned this reputation of being "the hardest thing evarrrrr," because it deserves so much better than that.

Bob, you really need to calm down about the Furries. You almost sound like one of those closeted Gay guys who acts super homophobic, because they can't accept who they really are.

Then go read this, and stop bitching about Furries: http://www.lackadaisycats.com

Fun fact, the Sin of Sodom was disregarding the Guestright, not sodomy.

There's always something disingenuous about the "I'm ok with gay marriage so long as I don't have to hear about it" angle.

No. Nope. Nay. Never.

'Same-sex marriage preachers' are the people who got us this far in the first place. If they weren't so vocal, marriage equality wouldn't even be considered because no one would be speaking up about it.

Social commentary doesn't have to be on purpose.

Castle Wolfenstein did in 1981—Metal Gear would release six years later, in 1987. The next major leap in stealth games came in 1998, when Thief, Tenchu, and MGS released concurrently.