
I know you're wanting to defend JRPGs here, and I understand and respect that, but I say this in the spirit of helpfulness: I don't believe that you're doing it many favors by behaving trollishly.

It's difficult to remain a fan of a genre when even the cited games of excellent and innovation seem dull and tedious. Valkyria Chronicles is an example of this. It had a great setting and the artwork was absolutely stunning. But everything was so buried in histrionics and layers of gaminess that it was difficult for

Extra Credits is quite serious.

Descent 3 players are definitely still around! I played semicompetitively back when the game was newer, and I like to check in every now and then to see what the community's up to. It's a great game.

I love this.

I think the point is that it's both bad AND great. The whole point of the exhibition is to try to discuss games in a way that gets away from the language of "good" and "bad."

This guy seems to really, really like Goldeneye. Why is everybody feeling so defensive toward somebody who ultimately agrees with them, even if some of the details and language differ?

You know, that's a good point, as odd as it would be for a preference for blue aliens to take precedence over sexual orientation.

We don't?

That made me laugh. Thanks!

Pandora, Last.fm, and Spotify are all good (and free!) suggestions. I use MOG. I hear good things about Rdio, too, though it's best when you can connect into it socially and get recommendations that way. Youtube probably does the same thing, though it seems more unwieldy to me than tools that are built for the job.

Yeah, I mean, she isn't TECHNICALLY a woman...

No problem at all; your chart is far more rigorous, and, I suspect, less drunkenly rendered.


Nonetheless, homosexuality IS the teaching point of that story in countless churches throughout the world. I think it's generally agreed (among liberal society) that it's not reasonable. And yet...

Right about what, exactly? I hear you asserting the stupidity of others with very little to back up your position - and not much beyond that.

I'm totally comfortable with this. To my mind, Commander Shepard being this always-caring, nurturing being of light and warmth would be bizarre. Conversely, has anyone ever praised ManShep for his warmth and caring nature?

Nothing warms the heart more than mutual hatred!

"Thank you. Remember Sodom."

""The problem is every time I see you argue you seem to think that "doesn't agree with my personal assessment" = "wrong.""