

I think anybody who played Demon's Souls before Dark Souls will find the latter easier, if only in that controls, player skill, mindset, etc. transfer directly from the first game to the second. Having played both, Demon's Souls isn't particularly difficult for me now, either.

"No matter whether you want to label Moore a crank or a hypocrite..."

Many people also having gaming laptops, which make LAN quite handy.

Saying it would stand no chance on the current market is a strange thing to say when..it's currently standing on the market just fine.

This is never NOT relevant.

If a bad deal's the best deal you got...

The timetable for when a game is released is rarely set by the dev team, much less the programmers. If the publisher is pressuring them to push a game out, they don't have much choice.

Yes, but if the copyright holder continues to renew, it can be a very, very long time until the work goes into public domain. I wouldn't expect Star Wars to do so until the mid 21st century or so.

I'd also be more sympathetic, in that English is his second language. I agree that this is really well done!

That bothered me, too! Not just because they're indifferent to things that I like. But it's so brazenly unprofessional. I mean, who does that?

It sounds like it wasn't even that difficult to convince them, either!


He's apparently been quite successful with inXile, at least financially: [en.wikipedia.org]

Alright, I've tried engaging with you, but you seem more interested in trolling me than discussing topics.

So much excellence here.

I know, right?

Studying games makes them..not a gamer?

Thanks for bringing up Callois - really interesting stuff.

I actually loved Fallout 3/NV as well, but I would play the hell out of another old-school Fallout.