
If I'm reading this right, the consensus seems to be that Youtube is the worst. You know, there's some pretty catchy marketing somewhere in there.

I'd like to see that information too, especially compared to other blogs and publications, but I fear I'd just use the data as an excuse to feel even more superior. :D

She's from Mexico. It says in the text to the article. Not sure where you're getting southern US drawl.

It's a decent version, though Charlie is a cleaner, more emotional player, so his I still prefer his. :)

See, internet? Not only are our disagreements measured and rational, but we have SCRUPLES.

If you'd rather not have to see or hear any different perspectives or voices about your videogames, there are many, many outlets for that on the Internet. You're welcome to them.

You mean, like, most pages? ;)

Of course you won't, it's implicit. But, what, you don't think gaming sites and culture pander to straight dudes?

If it helps, "mate acquisition" (as opposed to, say, "mate retention") is a commonly-used term in several social sciences. Maybe that doesn't help..

When homosexuality is mentioned, and somebody brings up that they are homosexual, you tell them to shut up and that you weren't talking about them..?

"when was the last time you saw a website based around a straight gamer"

Honestly curious: why does someone having a stated sexual identity make you so angry? So apparently profoundly uncomfortable?

The other part of this is that ignorance isn't by itself a bad and terrible thing. But Tracy knew that she was missing something, and made a decision to check it out.

It's very simple, really!

I'm always immensely entertained by Tim Rogers' articles and insights. His voice and mind are unique; I don't even care if I agree with him, or if he's trolling me, or if his article is way too damn long. There's an energy there and momentum (dare I say: friction) that I find compelling. A loss of Tim Rogers would be

Look, guys, I come to Kotaku to read about VIDEO GAMES, not to read about how I can not read articles not about videogames.

This is really inspiring to me, as a photographer. Just think how many cents I could make off of ironic and quirky "dudes at laptops" images!

I appreciate that "real sheep" = a machine that turns grass into wool. :D

When I was a young man in a small farming village, there was a time when a roaming band of SEGA would extort a portion of the harvest from each us year. I can still remember pa's hard, haunted look during the lean times...

You are technically correct - the best kind of correct.