
"Just a joke."

"a known fact"

If you're going to use the word "factual," then present actual facts. "That one time at Best Buy" does not represent facts. I would have way less of an issue with all of this if people were speaking from experience rather than dictating a truth which nobody is willing to back up.

I didn't bring up the casual statistic. Nor did I ever compare it to the PC/console market. I was responding to a number throw out elsewhere in the conversation. Given that number, the casual number is very nearly split between male and female. Therefore, the "guys play real games girls play casual games" stereotype

If you're going to talk about "demographic mapping," then give me some actual demographics, or present what you're saying as opinion or postulation. Talking about facts and then not actually presenting facts is unhelpful. It doesn't matter who you may or may not have seen at your local Best Buy. Are you talking about

What? A grown man playing with a barbie doll is equally likely as a woman enjoying a fantasy story!

TL;DR: "Here's some things from my head they're true because I said them."

Not a problem! You just have to dedicate and focus your mind and entire being to a singular task for four decades.

This is exceedingly lovely. Thank you.

You seem kinda bent out of shape about this.

This might be more true if Skyrim were this machisco-fueled hypermasculine work, but it isn't. Even then, masculine fiction tends to not be quite so one-sided, demographically. Did more men than women see the latest Transformers movie? I don't know. I would suspect that it was pretty equal. I would say that Skyrim is

This is really incoherent, so I'm not sure how to respond.

It's pretty incredible.

Most data I've seen on the subject seems to indicate that women make up a sizable portion of the gamer population, while casual games make up a relatively small portion of the games that they're actually playing.

Sorry, I must've confused you dismissing the opinions of women by saying that they're attention-seeking whiners for you saying that they shouldn't have been offended. I guess that's my bad.

But seriously, though. Citation needed.

"Were I a girl, I wouldn't take offense to this."

"The world's a big place, and there's all sorts of folks in it."

Put that way, it is kind of a pleasant inversion!

Citation needed.