
People who disagree with you =/= douches

Glad we have you to dictate every publication's editorial process.

Yeah, I'm sure the game badmouthed Edge's mom or something.

I don't think that anybody here is saying that PC gaming is doomed.

Saying something is a "sponsored post" when you disagree with it is a cheap trick.

As a supplement to your point (but not a rebuttal, since I think you're right!), there are some folks in my EVE corporation who leave for a few weeks or months every year to play LotRO, or some other MMO, as a kind of "vacation" from EVE!

And the catchy God-themed one-liners to scowl after shooting zombies.

CoD larp, nice!

You don't see how people are different from the media that they consume? If that were the case, we could never criticize any work in any medium without also having some apparent contempt for other human beings.

I guess on my part it was a mixture of not understanding your point and not understanding when Blow has really painted a picture of exceptionalism for himself. I don't see it. I see him being critical, and I see him talking about what he would like to do differently, but I don't see him saying this his work is the

The debate exists in scientific fields as well. The obvious example being "should we use and cite Nazi research?*"

"but I'm not really sure it makes a huge difference in the long run between criticizing game developers for making [X] and criticizing the general public for buying and enjoying [X]"

This is...sort of right. It's kind of a miracle that many games and movies are ever made at all.

The entitlement here really is the worst.

I paid $15 for Minecraft and got hours and hours (and hours) of playtime out of it. Relative to most games, it gets updated very frequently, with two huge content updates coming up soon.

It seems odd to me that games journos actively solicit Jonathon Blow's opinions about his work and the work of others, and then call it pretentious self-righteousness when he responds with his opinions.

And you don't seem to know how language works. By that argument, anybody who's ever used the words "hobnob" or "swagger" are Shakespeare scholars.

"Crysis mod that turns the tropical shooter into a slow, moody traipse through a drab seaside village.

China does make most of the low-quality goods that we have in the West. On the other hand, they make most of the high-end stuff, too.

Even as a non-engineer, I feel like that was a bad idea.