
Whatever else they include, the only thing you'll be able to smell will be fish.

The only thing Titanic was good for was slumber parties, when your friend's mom forgot to fast-forward through the naked parts and you could all giggle for a second before she came running in with the VCR remote.  Not as good as Man from UNCLE reruns, but…what is?

Maybe I should drop Netflix then.

Do they have the entire Criterion Collection, or just a selection?

Brief Encounter is the reason films exist.  It is so perfect that I have nothing to say about it.

Last season I think they had a few part-time writers or artists just for certain accounts.

I was surprised by Fat Betty as well, but I think Henry's devotion could maybe explain the weight problems she's having.  With Don, she was always having to compete with his mistresses and win him over, and sometimes going to fancy dinners in New York or Italy or whatever.  Now she's stuck in an ugly mansion with a

At least we're not as bad as those KIDS TODAY, with the TEXTING and the GOOGLE!  If I wanted to find out about something I'd walk two miles uphill in the snow so I could look it up in an ENCYCLOPEDIA!

I hate us already!

That's what I thought initially, but then she says "I'm just fat" and I thought, oh, Betty, you shallow bitch.  Plus, lying about cancer seems a little too soap-opera, even for this show.

They're creative types, with work sneakers and left-handedness

She'll either be working for him, or dead by his hand


Does anyone know where to find good 30 Rock writeups?  I love the show but I hate these reviews, so so much.

I think Emma Stone looks a lot like Myrna Loy, especially around the eyes, but she's too young (even with a younger costar).  I don't really think any of these choices will compare to Loy.  I did always wonder what Norma Shearer might have done with the role, but, you know, dead

They should go the opposite direction and cast Joanna Lumley

Everything pairs well with Mousehunt, my friend

I read The Painted Bird in one sitting, and that did make me nauseous.

I'd watch that.  I'd watch that and nothing else.

Wasn't Food Network always reality though?  Unless I'm forgetting the hour-long food-based dramas