
It’s the openness that continues to progress others. Public streams, record sharing runs, people are all building on what others achieve. When you stop participating in that sharing, instead you just hoard solely for the sake of releasing at once to claim multiple world records...you’re solely doing it for ego instead

I added the game to my wish list. I’ll wait for it to go back to regular cost and pick it up --seems like a good developer.

I would have loved to have heard about Ward’s others projects and successes he has had. I am sure that he, too, would have appreciated talking about some successes.

This is absurd, if you listen to other confirmation hearings or politics in general over time you’d recognize humor can be interjected into confirmation hearings without derailing or disrespecting the process as a whole.

What’s with the “again” part of let’s laugh at Target?

Interesting approach, I agree that small safes are likely to be targeted. I certainly would not use it to hold anything of actual resale value. I would love to have a large safe bolted to the floor for anything I need to guarantee won’t leave my home without me.

Not sure if the comments are sarcastic or satire but I think the point of the safe is that you can avoid having to take extra measures like that. Plastic generally has a lower melting temperature of a ziploc bag is about 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Depending on your safe’s effectiveness you may be ruining your documents

If the video game controller had a family tree?

I wasn’t lauding PCs for being capable of using 6 year old hardware, it was an observation.

You’re right, and it’s only professional when women wear skirts too. Pants are for men, fucking savages it doesn’t need to be explicit stated!

I think the original poster was perhaps, like me, surprised at the inability for a graphics card to keep pace with the industry. Consoles literally hold games back due to their older architecture. To what degree that occurs is certainly up for debate. The added benefit of knowing the platform you program for is being

Final Fantasy X HD remaster/rerelease provided both the 'normal' (NA) sphere grid and the international sphere grid as options for you to choose at the start.

I am hopeful that both FFXV and FFXII make the leap over to the computer at some point. Both XBone and PS4 being on the x86 architecture should make it feasible. Please Square-Enix...make my dreams come true.

I think that reading Isaac Asimov's "I, Robot" should be required reading for all people involved in A.I. creation (and this comment thread)

This was like an amazing trip down memory lane, thank you!! I agree, Lost Odyssey is great but I don’t know about under appreciated. Also, not sure what Koatku’s reaction was at the time but Ni No Kuni was just incredible from the last generation consoles.

The average inflation rate in the U.S. is 3.22%, so effectively making 1%-2% more than you did last year is essentially flat growth. Yes, you still made money, but it’s a question of who else in your industry did well. If the industry shrunk then you actually did great. If your growth was flat but a competitor grew

I feel like ‘producer’ is more like scrum master.

This was exactly what I came here to post. A few friends and I split the cost of Kingdom Death: Monster and we never looked back. Great investment in a truly brutal game with superb details, excellent mechanics, independent developer, and a wicked sense of humor.

As much as I share the common trepidation that any fan of a beloved childhood series has, I think many are giving them an unfair shake. To continue to write in a manner that they find is no longer consistent with the audience the game needs to appeal to would be a disservice to their company. At the other end is

I think you are assuming that the project managers know the right questions to ask, make no assumptions, and all of that. Also like the article mentions, novice programmers may not also know what is valuable to bring up to someone making decisions.