
One of the more interesting differences is that Mad Men was clear in the show it was for its entire run. Don Draper was never less than the leading man no matter how invested we were is everyone else around him, and Jon Hamm was phenomenal in the role.

It’s Times Square - no actual New Yorkers, just tourists.

My mother had my sister at 45 (despite decades of chronic health issues). One of my best friends is pregnant right now at 45. My aunt had my cousin at 46. My coworker just had a child at 48. Several of my colleagues with children had them when they and their wives were mid 40s.

Are mid to late 40's pregnancies

But where do you get more ammo?  Supple chain issues in the fungal post-apocalypse are an absolute nightmare.

Comfort/ability to ride and soreness after a ride are actually two different things.

The soreness from horseback riding isn’t from experience though, it’s from unusual muscle use and the angle your legs are at for using those muscles. Even an experienced rider would be sore if they had a long ride after a period of not

Sigh. Hey, Pop Culture site ... let’s try editing to convey the pop culture reference in the article quote correctly: “Soapdish”, not “soap dish”.... she didn’t die of a soap dish ... she is riffing on Whoopi Goldberg as Rose the writer in the MOVIE Soapdish, in the context of bringing Kevin Kline’s character back

Oregon Trail (Season 3) has some really solid moments, including the Daniel Radcliff burlesque “She’ll Be Coming Around the Mountain” musical scene. I’m not sure they stick the landing, but lots of good character stuff throughout.

To echo some of the “the old people are already watching” observations, Stargirl specifically as a show also engages in a retro aesthetic. Blue Valley is intentionally cultivated as the classic suburban American town, with the idea that where better for evil to hide or plot. In fact, part of the overall plans for the

Now playing

No, the title is “Prey” ... as in who the Devil is seeking. Any cursory internet search confirms.

Isn’t it an Irish Charm Unit?  They tend to be more universally compatible. 

When I was a high school teacher I EARNED those 8 weeks each summer. While there is a lot of time off in teaching, 1) not all the days students have off teachers have off and 2) none of that time off is flexible. You can’t just leave 2 days early to beat the traffic at Thanksgiving, even if the parents pull the kids

He was, just not of Queen. He had a solo career (Mercury literally sings backing vocals on one album song for him) and The Cross was his band in the late 80s-early 90s. Literally all of them except maybe Deacon did independent projects, not just Mercury. Taylor was also often the lead vocals instead of Mercury in

Does Loonette have an egg?  That’s the only legitimate question.

She was also endearingly self-deprecating about her recent honorary doctorate (she was the NYU Commencement Speak, and while not the best public speaker and a little long, it was actually a solid commencement speech). T-Swift was clearly having a great time with all the pomp and circumstance, and as someone who had

Roger Taylor would like a word.

Actually, he will see you, and raise you an octave.

My friend describes it as a genre of tv she calls “competence porn”.  It’s the appeal of the heist movie - watch people do certain things well.

The back end folks on The Librarians and Leverage being the same, plus both keeping post-Angel Christian Kane employed, make the Noah Wyle substitution make more sense.

I mean, everyone looks amazing in this .... it’s like Branaugh went back and rememeber how he used to shoot Emma Thompson in Dead Again.  But Gadot in particular is making a case for “may not be the best actress, may actually be an old school movie star”.

Maybe they are just all being asked to move to LA?

He had a rep in downtown NYC in the early aughts. His public persona of “charming” and fan favorite characters in Logan and Big, plus a very different media cycle at the time, made it easier to ignore.