
You do know that sex workers get to CONSENT to the sex acts, right?

We get it... you have issues with women. Wow... how original. Can’t imagine why you might be resentful about women’s sexual autonomy at all.

(Tell me you can’t get laid without telling me you can’t get laid.) 

Those are not relationship “boundaries”. Other parts of the internet cover why toxic reappropriate of therapy terms to facilitate coercive relationships is just creepy, but aside from that:

The word that you and Jonah Hill don’t have enough vocabulary to use is DEALBREAKERS. (e.g. - it is a dealbreaker for me if you

Do... do you think cig/cigarette is slang for a kiss? Do you think this was true in the aughts?

How does a request for nicotine relate in any way?

If a man asks you to hand him some toilet paper in a public restroom because his stall ran out and he wants to wipe his ass, do you think that is ALSO asking you to put your

I generally assume the CHILDREN on a CHILDREN”S TV SHOW are CHILDREN until proven otherwise.

Like, Tom Welling is a very attractive man. And even more attractive when Smallville started - where he played a high school student. Understanding that child labor laws make casting actual minors inconvenient, remembering the

Look, your misogyny is definitely a schtick and all, but given your fundamental inability to grasp factual details of the event, you ridiculous observations are misplaced.

EVEN IF GIRLS (not women, dumbass, because they are underage...) lie about their age, the PUBLIC FIGURE ON A CHILDREN’S SHOW was NOT lying about her

Echoing social and travel reasons. I had a roommate for many years who stayed with me well past her ability to afford a place in NYC on her own because we just had a great dynamic (and between the two of us we never had to worry about finding a cat sitter for vacations and holidays). She only moved out because, as she

Here is the best cultural context I can give about why the sex positive white women of SATC were considered progressive:

Remember Friends? In one of the first episodes Monica basically has a one night stand (he leaves a watch). It is documented production history that there is a fight about this as a script point and

I have sadly seen every episode and both movies (shudder), mostly not of my own volition. As a woman of certain age, I have found the cultural reference points a useful social lubricant, but as a woman who has dated for decades in NYC, I scoff even more than most.

I had a roommate who owned the first several seasons

My understanding is that there is a character in MI:1 that is back for this installment AND there is a secondary character that has a weightier backstory based on a relationship to a character in MI:1. It has some classic set pieces and is quick, so it might be worth it.

After that, while nothing is particularly essent

She just gets the balance right. The first movie is worth checking out, even if the last act is Snyderverse intervention. There are these character moments early when she first gets to Europe (Ice Cream - which is a specific DCUA nod, and “A baby”) are just perfect beats. And No Man’s Land is just this great MOVIE

Especially because it is actually comic book cannon that Aphrodite has gotten her kicks doing EXACTLY that a time or two. 

This is an idea I could get behind in theory. Though I am not sure if she would quite capture the aspect that Gadot nailed in balancing Diana’s pure joy at things in the world. Wonder Woman is more practical than Superman but represents hope better than Batman. Gal Gadot may be a limited actress, but she really did

Oliver’s weird “Aliens?! >:( “ reaction to me was always a subtle way of bringing old, S1 Ollie into a bit more alignment with the rest of the Beeboverse.  Once he got on board with the aliens idea OF COURSE he could be a supernatural apparition to balance the universe from his afterlife.

The name “Lyla Michaels” as Harbinger goes back to the early 80's as a character and is completely the identity in the original Crisis. It is a super deep cut, and realizing it had been in plain site all along was totally fun for a lot of us. 

You know it takes all Arrowverse heroes at least one full season, if not actually 3, to learn the “we are stronger together” lesson and to stop hiding secrets from the full set of loved ones.

This Arrowverse constant actually made me appreciate the CW Kung Fu run a lot more. Cool family bonds, supernatural and action

Flash choosing half of the last season over this idea (which COULD have worked in that 4 part finale instead of other crap) is just ridiculous. Going out on the clear strengths - the crossovers - would have salvaged that legacy.

At least Jesse L. Martin sang?

My favorite thing about Troy is that I had taught the Illiad to 10th graders that year, many of whom went to see it opening weekend. They disrupted class on Monday in the absolute best way possible, complaining about all the things the movie got wrong (“Miss, HOW do you have a movie about the Trojan War and NOT have

Or .....women are more often penalized for confrontational behavior so its a gambit with more risk.  Especially if your brand is literally to be “easy going every woman” in that role. 

I’m pretty sure this is just her NYU Admissions essay.

To be a vice sting would require a police WOMAN in a way that would be more anachronistic for LA. Neither gay character is open - they are demonstrating historically accurate recognitions of coded behavior. Women going out and having both social and economic independence is completely normal post 20s/flapper era,