
Sigh ....
Look, it absofuckinglutely fantastic that you, as a woman, live in a world where either you have never been assaulted or harassed OR had the presence of mind if assaulted to be able to deal with the personal and emotional fall out of the interrogations that comes with being an assault victim.

However; those of

I also think Noth’s current affiliations are supposed to be centered around some kind of variation on empowered women.  You NEED to distance from the sexual predator if that is your brand. 

I didn’t see that performance. I have seen the actual entire musical twice, and it was really, really good. It was one my favorite things I saw for the last couple of years between Hamilton and the latest Company revival.

Pffft.  The Avengers didn’t use guns.

In fairness to WW, that was because they felt they needed to make it more distinctive in light of Captain America, and the first Great War does line up well with the thematic and character elements for the first 2/3 until the cgi climax is foisted upon us.  

I think that’s just Hawkeye.

And didn’t we have Riddler’s daughter or a similar puzzle themed villain offspring?

I also read that there was the thought by the studio to build word of mouth prior to Christmas, and this would have been a traditional Christmas eve/day release (like Les Mis), or within that week.  But the problem is that when my family does have those type of movie outings it is specific to the actual holiday

Or .... it’s holiday time in the pandemic with a new variant and people on the bubble for “I wanna be where the people are” have decided to bake cookies and Netflix instead. We are bsically 2 weeks away from trying to visit grandma, so the people who ARE vaccinated and can go to movies in some places might also be the

Please. Stoker gets in line behind Le Fanu at best.

I always felt that was in lieu of a Leah force ghost though, right?  

So ... you’re new here?

Also.... how does one actually cut the whole character without also cutting plot machinations in Act 2?  Anybodys is the one who conveys the information to have the gang looking for Tony to warn him about Chino, and is the character who tries to diffuse Tony at the end (at least, in the traditional script). So,

Ironic is literally in a high school English class, complete with “that isn’t actually irony” call out. It completely works. There is a shortened version from the Tony’s performance intro.

You Oughta Know is delivered by a teenager, and is phenomenal in the context reworked for the show.  It is the signature song for

All joking aside ... the musical is really, really good. I get why Moulin Rouge won a bunch of the Tony’s, but I think the choreography does some really great (better) character work for JLP, it is overall a better musical, and the supporting actress win was 100% on the money. Literally, a performance that creates a

Just Go With It is one of those roles where you kind of want to congratulate Kidman on just deciding to take a vacation in Hawai’i paid for by Adam Sandler, and then it turns out she csan even make Dave Matthews funny.

Remember, we replaced him years ago with a robot?

Well, there is always the Avocado if what you really want is to chat with folks about your pop culture and miss the commentariat glory days:

This is exaactly how you approach all threatening behavior on the subway. Watch very carefully, do nothing to draw attention to yourself, move further back if possible, and exit if necessary.

Ah, but do you know all the words to Enter Sandman?