
The correct answer is:

How much do I want to keep Bruce Campbell employed?

In fairness, a LOT of gentrification has happened recently in Hell’s Kitchen, so they could even that look right out.

And honestly, Queens never looks like Manhattan.

I don’t think it implied she liked it at all.  Instead it is a commentary on the ways that women rationalize the sexual violence done to them at an early age to better meet the myths they construct for themselves or are constructed for them.  It is literally analogous to the sister being coerced into deeply

We did consider renting a chihuahua for my roommate to carry across the stage at her law school graduation in 2003 because of Legally Blonde.

And then Baz actually directed the opera with the Bohemians at the Met....

Ghosts, with Rose McIver and Utkarsh Ambudkar, is a sitcom that premiered this fall on CBS.  

As my college roommate used to put it, it is a critical film in Jennifer Jason Leigh’s “Jennifer Jason Leigh’s Character Gets Raped in the Film” film period. 

It does actually have clear character arcs in the show. 

Carrie was, it seems until “Carrie Diaries”, abandoned by her father and no mom in the picture. Samantha comes from some less affluent rural or suburban roots (slinging dilly bars at the Dairy Queen), and both seems to have intentionally distanced her background from her present but also being just slightly older may

I thought we all agreed that if we were adopting a change it was going to the be the “Beeboverse” ... which the special kind of confirms. 

Best Christmas gift I got last year was the Beebo fleece blanket my friend found on Amazon somehow.  The cat is also fond of it. 

But Ava still had an alien invasion at her wedding, so it wasn’t quite as succesful.  At least no Nazis ....

I mean, it’s only unsettling if you haven’t already dealth with it in Wonder Woman 1984....

Superman and Lois explains this  bit - it’s a focus thing or else they get overwhelmed.

Well, they DO have a child already.  Gotta preserve Alex’s honor. 

I mean ...

That was part of the irony of Larson’s death, right? One of his best friends had been diagnosed with HIV at a time when it was still considered a death sentence. Given the ubiquity of HIV in the performing arts community through the 90s, it informs Larson’s experience (and all of RENT). But then it was

This has always been my take.  It’s a read as you grow series.  Which is why older people generally find Azkaban onward more engaging. (I tell people to start there if reading just for sanity, and then go back if completists). 

But ... Buckbeak!

The Seven is alluded to as Tom Riddle as a child having a bit of OCD around the number.  You see it in the movie with the 7 stones on the window sill, and some things lined up in the closet.  The window shot also has the cave picture, which is why reviewing the memories is important.