allyl isothiocyanate binds to TRPA1, which also reacts to a variety of chemical irritants. So they are tricking your brain in slightly different ways.
allyl isothiocyanate binds to TRPA1, which also reacts to a variety of chemical irritants. So they are tricking your brain in slightly different ways.
Strength training has lots of benefits... Strong bones and muscles help protect against injury as we age[1], lean muscle mass helps burn more calories and keep weight down, strength training helps with things like balance and coordination, exercise in general helps with mood and energy, and like aerobic exercise…
I assume by deadlift bar you mean one with no knurling in the center?
I keep ending up on blogs and sites run by less than reputable individuals. I’ll continue to dig around for the scholarly articles though. I’m willing to change my beliefs/position in the face of evidence.
I tracked down the full text of that article and on a cursory scan it does seem there’s some evidence for an interaction between EMF and mast cells whether directly or indirectly. I will need to read the whole things, follow the citations, and reviews/comment articles. I’m not ready to change my position based on this…
WiFi Sensitivity, Electromagnetic Sensitivity, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, and other vague environmental sensitives. Which, to be fair, are psychosomatic. I haven’t seen the show though so I can’t comment on how Netflix handled the subject matter.
why ? because there is no allergen present in sesame for anyone to react to.
My parents are both university professors (one is retired now) with 7 degrees between the two of them. Needless to say, I was encouraged to attend university but I resisted and forged my own path—my younger sisters are however pursuing university education. I’ve done well without a degree but I can admit part of what…
For me it’s almost always to do with overhead space. When I travel for work I almost always have 3-4 flights between start and destination so I try to minimize layovers and minimize unnecessary time in the airport at either end. To that end I always forgo checking a bag and instead carry my week’s necessities in a…
You’re not wrong but there are also some people who smoke their entire lives and never develop lung cancer. The point is obesity is a risk factor for multiple life threatening or quality of life degrading conditions. Giving unsolicited weight or diet advice to strangers is about as shitty as it gets but lets not…
Here’s the bad news: you can’t always tell when somebody is goofing off versus taking a legitimate rest period.
There’s a lot of anecdotal stories on fitness boards and boards dedicated to hair loss that creatine accelerates the loss of hair in men predisposed to it. Searching the reddit community ‘/r/tressless’ for creatine returns a number of discussions for example.
Male beauty pageants exist. A lot of them are “Mr Gay ____” events but there’s still mainstream ones like Mr. World Canada, Mister Venezuela, etc. They’re just not nearly as widespread as female beauty pageants--especially in the US.
I have only received unsolicited advice twice. Once he was absolutely right and I said thank you and the other time the guy was wrong; I said thank you but explained why I was doing it the way I was and he went on his way.
Street shoes shouldn’t even be allowed past the lobby. I’d raise it with gym staff.
The problem is there are a million places in the gym to safely do curls there is often one place to safely squat. Sure, if someone else is squatting the rack is just as occupied but at least they’re using it for its intended purpose.
I used to be a dancer and figure skater so I’ve seen my share of leg injuries and also know how to workout legs. I was legitimately concerned and wouldn’t describe it as gossip. Just pointed out to someone at the desk one day, a trainer I knew a few weeks later, and another trainer a few weeks after that... Seriously…
At one gym I used to go to there was one of those “every day is glute day” women who would aggressively lock out on the leg press machine. As in push as hard as possible to full lock out to the point the platform would stutter. She’d do it using normal two-leg form and then do it sitting awkwardly sideways doing one…
Get up between sets. Ie, if you’re using the legpress stand up and stand beside it or pace rather than sitting there on your phone. I’m more likely to ask to work in when I see someone leaving a piece of equipment between sets.