
When the deadlift platforms at my last gym were occupied I’d do my sets in the aerobic / stretching area. They had bumper plates but I still didn’t want to do it on bare floor. If there’s padded floor in front of the racks where you’re doing your sets I’d say that’s fine.

“I don’t have anything to clean it with”

Either ask to work in between their sets or ask nicely if they can limit their circuits to two pieces of equipment per round so they don’t tie up the entire gym.

The way a tracking pixel works is there’s a 1x1 image somewhere in the messages with a bunch of unique stuff tacked on to it related to you as the recipient, the email campaign, etc. Ie the image might be (it’s generally a bunch of

2. Learning later (25+) helps ensure your poor impulse control, temper, and sense of invincibility are more realistic.

I got my license at 28 in Western Canada. I honestly think getting it later made me a better driver as I was long past the “I’m invincible” phase of my life and getting my license was a conscious decision from necessity not just something to be done at school so I paid very close attention to the training. Couple that

Another super cool resource is the Hubble Legacy Archive which has raw and partially-processed images from the Hubble Space Telescope. For a quick example click “Enter Site” -> Search for M104, click the “Images” tab where you’ll find 322 images and partial images of the Sombrero Galaxy. If you

Serious pain in the ear when the cabin is pressurized is usually due to congestion. It happens to me if I fly with a runny/stuffy nose. Best thing for it is to take a decongestant and/or anti-histamine about 1 hour before take off.

Thanks... Now I feel old and out of touch. I only knew a couple from the list, would only have accurately guessed a few more without the definitions, and use maybe 1 or 2 myself.

In theory the best cats for allergies are Siberians who produce less Fel d 1 protein than other breeds on average. They do still produce some Fed d 1 though and if your allergies are to Fel d 4 or the minor Fel d 2 or Fel d 3 proteins they’re not going to be any better.

People aren’t actually allergic to the dander or fur specifically, they’re allergic to proteins in the cats saliva that transfer to the fur and skin when they groom. As the saliva dries and fur and dander spread it takes the protein with it. The vast majority of cat allergies are due to proteins called Fel d 1 and Fel

I can’t seem to find a release date for the Steam version. Any idea when it’s launching?

Now off to Elite Dangerous! Where in the 4 years the game has existed all players combined have explored less than 0.5% of the in-game galaxy.

I think you’ve got your drugs mixed up. Cetirizine is an antihistamine within the diphenylmethylpiperazine group. It has no relationship with methamphetamine or any other amphetamines nor is it used in their production. What you’re likely thinking of is pseudoephedrine which is a nasal/sinus decongestant and is part

From what I gather from a few Google searches the average anime worker’s salary seems to be right around the average salary for Japan in general. How does that compare to people who work in similar roles making western cartoons?

ADHD and its sister ADD (that’s the less “hyper” style of ADHD)

In game your sub-light typical flight is used for approaching stations, landing on planets, combat, mining, and the like. Super cruise is used to travel between bodies within a system (planet to planet,) and hyper space jumps are used to travel between star systems.

Not quite... He supercruised to 65,788 using up most of his fuel. Supercruise is done in real time (at 2001 x the Speed of Light.) The plan in these long journeys is to then “jump” to a nearby system with the remaining fuel which is near instantaneous. The problem is he used up too much fuel to make the jump and WAY