The problem with specifically looking for and removing tracking pixels is the tracking does not need to be a pixel. Simply not loading images or clicking links from senders you don’t want tracking you is far more effective.
The problem with specifically looking for and removing tracking pixels is the tracking does not need to be a pixel. Simply not loading images or clicking links from senders you don’t want tracking you is far more effective.
I get the feeling the major driver here is now that they own D&DBeyond and intend to monetize the crap out of it they don’t want people being able to spin up competitors. They also want to make sure they have a good hold on any major monetization pathway.
> After watching its first two episodes
I have the mobility and can arse-to-grass without issue (former dancer.) I don’t use the heel rise all the time but there are times where the small rise helps me hit the squat a little differently.
Great video! I’ve been wearing Chuck Taylor All Stars while lifting for years and will never go back to wearing a typical trainer/runner outside of cardio. For heel rise while squatting I put a 2.5 or 5 lb plate under my heels as I simply can’t justify weightlifting shoes for one or two lifts.
Same... ~12 years with current employer:
Checking if it’s on is easy... Either Win+R -> tpm.msc or run PowerShell as Admin and type Get-Tpm and hit enter.
100%. I used to arrange my books alphabetically by author but it became a real pain in the arse to slot in new books. I switched to a less specific but still organized system that works much better:
I don’t working in banking but I do work in InfoSec and the idea of paying a vendor with cash strikes me as hella suspicious. Not suspicious of the person doing the withdrawal but suspicious that they’re being scammed.
The only conversational example I can think of would be certain tongue in cheek situations. Take for example when someone asks in business “where is the marketing team?” an answer like “she is over there” serves two purposes: 1) answering the questions and 2) communicating that there is no team.
Not who you’re replying to but I was able to come up with one instance. Compound subjects where there is a singular subject and a group subject. Specifically, in a following sentence the difference between “typical” singular he/she and plural they/them helps keep the subjects apart. All examples are easily…
This game is impossible to find right now. It has been out of stock since basically 3 days after the last printing and isn’t expected for another few months based on what stores have told me.
Zenni is great. There’s also Canadian company Clearly, a subsidiary of the French Essilor International, which used to be called “Clearly Contacts” but rebranded a while back. Similar idea to Zenni and same low prices. I like Clearly a bit more because they have recognizable brands just heavily discounted. I know…
Marsha P. Johnson throwing the first brick is not strongly corroborated for two reasons: 1) Marsha herself said many times she was not there when the riot started and arrived hours later. 2) No one knows who “threw the first brick” or more appropriately kicked the whole thing off as no one even knows if a brick was…
> Pride was started by black trans women.
I use an app called Medsafe on Android. It had schedules that nag you to take your meds, automatic refill reminders based on number of doses taken since the last one, etc. It also has the ability to record taking an unscheduled medication. Ie, I can hit “Add Dose -> 2x Advil XS” and it will record the date/time alongsi…
It’s still “minty” but Listerine Total Care isn’t nearly as intense as other mouth washes. Cutting it with a bit of water helps too.
While not quite as bad as a crown, I had a sizable filling fall out and take some of the surrounding tooth with it (looks like there was decay behind the filling.) Since there’s no pain (yet,) bleeding, or infection (yet) all I can do is brush obsessively, pack the missing area with wax, avoid certain foods, and chew…