I’ve never understood how people become attached enough to a brand to fight over it.
I’ve never understood how people become attached enough to a brand to fight over it.
These Explorer still have civilian wheels.
Jesus... A lot of hoarders on there by the looks of it.
I think it’s ok when it comes to wall decorations for the story behind a piece to be “I saw that in a store and couldn’t stop staring at it so knew I needed it on my wall.” I think a better saying than “things that don’t have a story are just clutter” is “things that don’t make you happy are clutter.”
I don’t doubt that at all. In my case though 3 flights from two different airlines were all canceled so I’m inclined to believe them. As a general rule I avoid SFO when I travel now and try to go through Denver or LAX.
I’ve had the opposite experience. I was canceled flying from a small airport to San Francisco due to fog in the bay which makes it so small regional jets cannot land. I listened to multiple people use your method and get nothing but a rebooking from the agents since it was demonstrably weather and outside the…
NewScientist’s latest issue is actually allergy focused and they say:
Man... that intro image from Homeward Bound just kicked me right in the nostalgia. That’s one of those movies I watched multiple times in the mid-90s on VHS but haven’t thought about since.
I had two wisdom teeth break on me at different times. In both cases there was no indication that there was a problem (no pain, odour, or taste) until one day—crack—they broke. In one case I was standing in line for airport security eating a protein bar when my upper-right wisdom tooth lost a huge chunk at the…
This seems like the largest number of “Currently Not Available” titles in recent memory. What’s going on with licensing in North America?
I already typed a reply to the exact same question, please see: https://lifehacker.com/1827061690
@Marx and Sparks, if labels are being used it is either to clarify a point or help paint a picture for the listener. If I am telling you about something in passing I will say “I was with my coworker Bob for lunch” if I pull out details like “I was with my coworker Bob, who has a large red afro” it’s either for you to…
I don’t know how to feel about the deluge of labels showing up in the LGBTQ+ space. In my mind labels are designed to quickly convey information and labels that don’t explain anything or obfuscate are useless. For example, if you said to someone “Frank is a feminine male” we can all draw conclusions some of which may…
I spent a week in Romania this past winter and it was great. The tourism board was trying to orchestrate Bourdain’s visit to control the message obviously that doesn’t happen to the average traveler.
Some formulas are easier to predict than others. These are some of the ones from a password expiry email template I wrote with current password on the left and potential new password on the right.
The absolute worst misunderstanding of time zones award has to go to GoToMeeting/GoToWebinar. They list time zones as for example “(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US and Canada)“ and the GMT offset should reduce confusion but it doesn’t because they change it with DST.
Price typically comes from batch size and age. Crossing borders also doesn’t help. Bourbon in Canada typically starts at $50 for the cheap shit... crossing a border has a huge effect on liquor prices. So stuff local to you will undoubtedly be cheaper.
Is this where the old IRC client, mIRC’s, /slap <username>
command came from? It would post to channel:
There is, Jean-Jacques “JJ” Leroy, he’s a little shit in the show though.