
I can’t remember which MMO it was, but one of the ones in the early 2000's had a system where you basically zoned into your private house.

You’re dying on the wrong hill then... LEGO (not Lego) is an adjective. Not a noun.

As a Canadian I couldn’t be happier. Amazon rushed to buy major titles to fill out Anime Strike which was available only in the US; As a result, Canada-which only had Prime as a delivery method-was neglected. Series’ were either released late, with missing subtitles, or not at all and support could do nothing but

It was recently below -40°F/°C (windchill included) for a week straight. The actual lows were between -23.98°F and -33.7°F. The highest temperature during that entire week was -3.64°F (without windchill.) Let me tell you, heated seats do diddly shit unless you run the car for 5-10 minute before driving. If you warm up

Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition. The original FSX came out in 2006 but there are lots of addons available with better textures, new airports, new planes, etc. You can fly normal passenger or cargo routes or fly stunt planes and do aerobatics.

“Second, we’re clear that because you are owner of your DNA, we need you to grant us a license to your data so that we can provide our products and services to you and our other users, as well as develop new products and services. You can revoke this right at any time by requesting we delete your data or your account.

“Second, we’re clear that because you are owner of your DNA, we need you to grant us a license to your data so that

“PM me” was pretty common in the days of IRC, MSN Messenger, etc. It’s still popular in a lot of online gaming where the player-to-player direct chat is still often called “private.” That one wouldn’t bother me.

used in the decades ahead by insurers, employers, law enforcement and homeland security agencies, advertisers, lenders, etc., in a way that might prejudice users or their offspring.

used in the decades ahead by insurers, employers, law enforcement and homeland security agencies, advertisers,

Tinfoil hat nonsense. This is 23andMe but Ancestry is basically the same:

Tinfoil hat nonsense. This is 23andMe but Ancestry is basically the same:

I don’t have this particular camera but I do have a different one... I used a 10 ft USB cable which I ran straight up from the camera to the top edge of the windshield (~1.5" of exposed cable,) from there I tucked it into the roof panel (most cars have a gap that you can push the cable in t0,) I then ran it like that

I don’t have this particular camera but I do have a different one... I used a 10 ft USB cable which I ran straight

Forums and comment sections are full of dunning-kruger specialists who are just waiting for any reason to descend on actual developers. See any thread where some dumbass comments how “easy” it would be to, say, add multiplayer or change engines.

I have a few Glencairn glasses in my cabinet but I drink mostly straight whisk(e)y.

I’m not attempting to “fear monger” it’s just wholly unnecessary software. If I wanted to fear monger I’d point out that the license for the free version says “You may NOT use the Product in corporate or commercial environments.” Software audits are a very real thing.

I use the CCleaner command line “/AUTO” switch in several scripts to automate the cleaning of my browser cache, delete temporary Windows files and other debris before I make backup images of my OS to insure that backups don’t contain unnecessary files that don’t need to be restored.

Oh god... I can’t wait to show this to my dad who is a retired Classics, Mythology, Greek Civ, and Roman Civ professor. He went on a 30 minute rant on CBC Radio after seeing a 2 minute trailer for 300 and watching Gladiator with him was... a treat.

There are some GPs who are able to do skin biopsies. I brought a concern about two moles up to my GP at a regular checkup asking if I should consult a dermatologist and he made an appoint for me and cut them out himself. He did one more removal for me a while later as well.

If you’re always wearing a hat, people are going to start wondering what you’ve got underneath it.

In technical interviews my go to when I do not know an answer is something like:

That is the correct response. Anyone who reads this article and gets defensive “it would never happen to me” missed the point.

Personally, I looked at Eve, noped out and went for Elite:Dangerous instead. Scratches my desires without a lot of the “other” that comes from Eve Online. E:D is more like a space simulator with actual first-person flight and very little in the way of objectives. I love it...