
I love that this article is just a really long way of saying exactly what’s on the infographic.


I dunno, I feel like ChatGPT could do a better job at writing articles for this site than a lot of the shit that’s been on here recently.

And people are asking for this stuff, just because YOU are not, or people you know, doesn’t mean that NO ONE is. I’m in a large number of discords, and lots of people having fun with


Pre-orders... isn’t that Gamestops supposedly big thing? Haven’t been there in yeaaaars... but everytime i get to the cash, they ask if I want an extended warranty or to pre-order some nonsense.. and they can’t even do that anymore lol.. .like what the hell, how does this place continue to even operate.

who is the Ghostface killer...

I quite enjoyed the Transit, Campus, After Dark and the Parks DLC as well.

Whether or not mods exist or not, it’s still frustrating that games like these tend to re-sell the same DLC for each game over and over again instead of including all the updates into the sequels.

these look like someone used the cutout filter in photoshop and then projected it on canvas and painted over it. 

Oh boy, I can’t wait to buy Skylines 2 and then notice that all the features from the expansions aren’t included in the sequel, and will have to buy all the DLC for game 2 again....yay!

I am on Twitch/youtube near daily and have no idea who Mr. Beast is...  I’ve seen two articles on this site, and that’s all i know of him. 

if only more of them made it to step 4...

most governments. 

this is not what is going on at all. you seem to have a misunderstanding of the basis for this entire article. 

what a bunch of fucking bullshit. this isn’t going to influence anyone into arresting people any more than DOOM made kids shoot up a school.

this is a great story, but gamers are still toxic.

contract work is much different than a regular job. Yes, it’s typically more per hour, but there can be times where you aren’t working between contracts where you are making 0 income.

quoting your own tweet in your own article... classy.

what’s wrong with you?

Why are so many people in the comments giving suggestions on how to keep this piece of shit business afloat... let it fucking die.

they already do all sound the same. Gruff and serious protagonist, wise cracking one line protagonist, whimsy and cute sidekick and English accent villain.