
Mafia 1 also had a car that couldn’t even make it up certain hills lol.

Just make the wine glass bigger. sheesh.

That’s the problem, the solution to all those problems to these fanatics is.. wait for it... more guns!

I tried doing myself the first time

Now tell us about the other times. 

so what specific dollar threshold makes things mainstream?

yeah,  i don’t get this article either, shit was already mainstream successful before this....

a niche micro genre that everyone talked about, had memes of, did twitch plays of, youtube channel parodies dedicated to it and sold millions of copies is a micro genre niche i wish i could harness...sheeseh.

Gaming blogs really need to stop saying shit like:

The developers still have plenty of time between now and its 2023 launch date to make significant changes to the game.”

No, they don’t... and no... they won’t.


Better yet, don’t make a sequel.

Imagine not supporting a competitive competition for your game that wasn’t intended to be competitive.

I made a sex dungeon that you could enter, but not leave that featured a peeping area for guests, fully staffed bar and courtesy shower.

Pretty sure Hitman broke off on it’s own earlier. 

Cool as that is, you can pretty much just unlock these without ever playing the game.

well damn, I’m in my 30s now, and the last time I cared about a console was PS3... was also the last console I owned. Not that I didn’t enjoy it or don’t like gaming, but just about every game out on console is getting released on PC these days. 

Why is trap in quotations? Is there some hidden meaning/entendre here I’m not getting or is putting “things” in quotes “cooler” than just leaving it the “way it is”?

ngl, that 90s cartoon was pretty fun and still remains the basis for all my memories of Sonic.

so much this.

it’s frustrating that not only is this behavior accepted and forgiven but rewarded... Not only in gaming, but just overall in life... Kill a black man without cause? Be a politician! Scam the nation from millions? Write a book! Sexual abuse? Music contract!

Just happy to see World in Conflict rightfully placed on this list. Gameplay, graphics and sound still hold up today, and it’s one of few strategy games that actually has a decent story.

fuck all those streamers. If your only contribution to a community project is to sew chaos, you don’t have a community, you have a toxic fanbase.